I used Blynk to administration of my project. You have to create your own local server or buy energy on an official server.
Export your blynk token. Copy your token, WiFi SSID and paste to code.
Code used for esp8266 (LINK). You can use arduino IDE or Visual Studio Code with platorm IO. (If you are going to use VS code with platform IO you can just copy the whole project and paste it as a new project)
- two strips ws2812b
- esp8266 node mcu v1.0 or similar board. x1
- ttp223 x1
- power supply 5v (it depends on how many meters of strips you will need)
- power supply 5 3-4A (for esp8266 and two relays)
- relay 5v x2
- level converter module x2
- photoresistor x1
- resistor (1k, 2k2, 3k3)
- USB cable