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Release 3.5.0-beta.1

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@github-actions github-actions released this 04 Jun 15:07

3.5.0-beta.1 (2022-06-04)

✂️ Refactor

  • Code Quality & Style: Several code quality and style changes. (486ea43)
  • Code Quality & Style: Several code quality and style changes. (75b1ad7)
  • Code Quality & Style: Several code quality and style changes. (bd9c0f6)
  • Code Quality & Style: Several code quality and style changes. (0def7aa)
  • Enums: Change the way enums are used in the CommandlineParser and VersionMeta. Remove / use values where appropriate. (fea95a2)
  • File copying: Gather a list of all files to be copied to the server pack and THEN copy them. Improves readibility of the copyFiles(...)-method. Delete your lang/ to receive the new text. (640ba07)
  • ServerPackModel params: Remove unsudes params from constructor. (a341f83)
  • UNIX symlinks and Windows lnks: Sanitize links at beginning of config check and resolve any and all links before checks are run. (2a9ea36)

⏩ Performance

  • FileWatcher setup: Setup FileWatcher off-thread when running GUI, to improve startup-time of ServerPackCreator. (087bed5)

👀 Reverts

  • CurseForge: Completely remove CurseForge functionality from ServerPackCreator. (d3de549)
  • CurseForge: Remove mentions of CurseForge from i18n (d876360)
  • Modrinth: Remove Modrinth preperations from backend and tab from frontend (eeafa78)

💈 Style

  • Formatting: Let IntelliJ IDEA reformat code and optimize imports. (a019a55)
  • Formatting: Let IntelliJ IDEA reformat code and optimize imports. (dfdc91b)
  • Google Java Format: Apply Google Java format to sources, reformat and optimize imports. (dadfe85)
  • Google Java Format: Apply Google Java format to sources, reformat and optimize imports. Add editorconfig and project config (7eea595)

💎 Improvements

  • About window: Improve display of About text and improve the text itself. Delete your lang/ to receive the new text. (0d4193d)
  • ConfigChecks: Check the ServerPackCreator base directory and files and directories specified in the configuration for read-permission. (bbb70db)
  • Copy directories textfield: Turn textfield into a textarea much like clientside-only mods and JVM args. (9dfc606)
  • Copy Files and Directories: Allow specifying absolute paths to files and directories to include in the server pack. Example C:/foo/bar will result in bar being copied to the server pack as bar, and C:/foo/bar.file will result in bar.file being copied to the server pack as bar.file. (5978347)
  • Fabric start scripts: If the improved Fabric server launcher is present, use it. Otherwise the old-fashoned way of downloading and installing a classic Fabric server is used. (0283d34)
  • GUI conf and log upload: Improve checks and error message when uploading files to HaseBin which are too large. Delete your lang/ to receive the new message if you're using SPC in english. (5ac005e)
  • i18n: Provide more language-keys for i18n. (1b5c695)
  • Java-path label and tooltip: Improve wording to reduce confusion as to what this setting is for. Please delete your lang/ (f87537f)
  • Modloader server installation: Move the installation of the modloader server AFTER the generation of the server packs ZIP-archive. This ensures the ZIP-archive contains NO files which would result in a refection from CurseForge or other services. It ensures the ZIP-archive is as lightweight as possible. (39eb24f)
  • Server-icon and properties: Improve copying of the specified server-icon.png and as well as logging in case of errors. If the specified image is already 64x64, do not scale it unnecessarily. (d2cb195)
  • SPC Window: Open ServerPackCreator in the center of the main display. (2020ca6)
  • UNIX symlinks and Windows lnks: Allow users to work with links/symlinks at certain points. Modpack directory, copy directories, server icon and properties, Java path, config to load shoud now all work with UNIX symlinks or Windows lnks. (f57686a)
  • UNIX symlinks and Windows lnks: Allow users to work with links/symlinks at certain points. Modpack directory, copy directories, server icon and properties, Java path, config to load shoud now all work with UNIX symlinks or Windows lnks. (74bea1b)

📔 Docs

  • GenerateZip params: Remove param in JavaDoc for GenerateZip:44, containing extra, invalid, argument. (15319af)
  • params: Remove/fix constructors and missing params (d78e310)

🧪 Tests

  • GitLab: Fix coverage-job artifacts so it works on again. Deactivate Inform About Release job, as GitHub is the main distribution platform for releases. (13e0d3e)
  • GitLab: SSL still broken with (bcc0ff3)

🚀 Features

  • Quilt Modloader Support: Fully fledged Quilt support! Including start scripts, modloader server installation, automated clientside-only mod exclusions and webservice support! Please delete your lang/ to receive language updates. (849e0bc)

🛠 Fixes

  • 1.12.2 Forge sideness scanning false positives: If a single mod JAR-file contains multiple mods, check all mods in that JAR-file for sideness and determine whether it is clientside-only correctly. (f4d1081)
  • Copy-directories re-validation: Upon changing the modpack-directory, re-validate the copy-directories field to prevent false-negatives. (0ee983c)
  • File-ending: If a user does not specify .conf as the file ending when SaveAs is used, append it so we always have .conf-files. (7d87b2f)
  • GUI Forge versions selection box: Update the list of Forge versions when the selected Minecraft version is changed (02f6004)
  • Symlink check: Prevent IllegalCharacterException in FileUtilities.isLink(...) when checking the given file whether it is a symlink but said file having a Windows-path. Rename commonutilities package to common. (a6c5c59)
  • Unable to save config when clientside-mods is empty: Prevent IndexOutOfBounds-exception when the passed list in encapsulateListElements is empty. (bd620f8)


  • deps: update dependency @quasar/extras to v1.13.6 (d34f8fd)
  • deps: update dependency axios to v0.27.2 (86f56f5)
  • deps: update dependency core-js to v3.22.4 (1c4b985)
  • deps: update dependency eslint to v8.14.0 (dbb27fa)
  • deps: update dependency eslint-plugin-vue to v8.7.1 (97f86a8)
  • deps: update dependency to v2.0.9 (198aa4f)
  • deps: update dependency to v2.0.6 (42b6f7a)
  • deps: update dependency gradle to v7.4.2 (b65f938)
  • deps: update dependency org.apache.activemq:artemis-jms-server to v2.21.0 (ebd8add)
  • deps: update dependency tsparticles to v2.0.6 (ebb78ba)
  • deps: update dependency vue to v3.2.33 (3adabfc)
  • deps: update jamesives/github-pages-deploy-action action to v4.3.3 (546cec4)
  • deps: update spring boot to v2.6.7 (c61906e)
  • deps: update typescript-eslint monorepo to v5.22.0 (f0a5512)
  • gitignore: Add some more test resources to the gitignore. (3481345)
  • Status labels: Reduce max length of entries to reduce amount of component resizing. (5eed4ad)