Version used to obtain CPU and GPU benchmark results on Piz Daint for Alpine. Requires the specific heFFTe commit e08e630 in the master (almost similar to heffte v 2.1.0 or less with a bug fix).
Major changes
- Particle load balancing using orthogonal recursive bisection added (semester project of M. Ligotino)
- All periodic BCs for scatter and gather operations implemented
- In the solvers submodule, CG solver (Bachelors' thesis of A. Vinciguerra) and FFT-based free space Poisson
solvers such as Hockney-Eastwood and Vico-Greengard (Masters' thesis of S. Mayani) integrated - More mini-apps such as Landau damping and two-stream/bump-on-tail instability added
Minor changes/bug-fixes
- BC application for particles made faster by avoiding branching
- Bug in the time integration of Penning trap corrected
- Host/device warnings for GPU compilations fixed