Fullstack web application that sends out surveys and collects/stores feedback. Client-side uses React, Redux, React-Router, and Redux Forms libraries. Back-end server is built using Node.js and Express.js framework along with Axios to handle routes and perform HTTP requests to MongoDB database. Mongoose is used on top of the MongoDB database for modeling collections. App also consumes the Stripe API for processing payments, and the SendGrid API for sending out emails and recording click events. Oauth is handled using Passport.js. Materialize CSS is used for stylings.
Clone down this repo and run npm install, or alternatively visit https://shielded-temple-48199.herokuapp.com/ to the production deployment.
In order to load up on credits and be permitted to create new surveys use 4242 4242 4242 4242
as the credit card number and then any future date and and 3-digit code for the remaining fields and you should be able to "purchase" credits