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Feature: Powers

Johan Fält edited this page Feb 6, 2023 · 3 revisions

All powers are Power Items in the world. In essence there are two types of powers:

The type that exists in Werewolf the Apocalypse och Mage the Ascension where each power has its own effect and these are not connected to a combined power type.

The other type is what is used in Vampire the Masquerade, Changeling the Dreaming and so on. You got one main power what has ranked abilities under it, usually rank 1 to 5.

The first type is simple - you create a power either directly on the sheet or in the world. Go to the Item section in Foundry, Create Item of type Power then set the Power Item to the Game and type of Power you wish to use. Then as it is done you drag the power to the sheet and it will connect automatically.

The second one is a bit more complicated due to how Foundry works but check the example below.

E.g Vampire the Masquerade