Usage: ./ -s SITENAME -h HOSTNAME [-f FOLDERNAME] [-t 'tag1|tag2|tag3']
-s Specifies the omd 'site' to add the host to, eg: prod
-h Specifies the hostname to be added
-f Optional. Specifies the name of the check_mk folder the
host is to be added to.
-t Optional. WATO tags to add to the host.
-? This message.
- This script assumes check_mk has been installed as part of OMD. If you've manually installed you'll likely want to change some of the paths and remove the
requirement. - If you're copying tags from the wato web interface be warned: after every
character check_mk is inserting a unicode zero-width-space, aka\u200b
. If these are not removed before you paste the tags into your script/command line check_mk will interpret them as part of the tag and will then fail to properly apply rules/folders/hostgroups/etc.