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Nils Deckert edited this page Oct 25, 2019 · 15 revisions

Welcome to the wiki for my Spacebucket!

Table of contents:

  1. Machine to Machine (M2M) communication

  2. Saving Data using MySQL

Below you can see a few concept pictures and a short text explaining the idea for my fully automated spacebucket, a greenhouse in a very cramped growspace.

The current idea is, that a camera, temperature and humidity sensors (both soil and air) are connected to the Raspberry Pi Zero W. The data is then beeing pushed to the Raspberry Pi 2 where it gets saved (for visualization). Furthermore, the Raspi 2 controls various devices to influence temperature and humdity as well as water the plant inside the greenhouse. Those devices are controlled through a Gertboard, since the Raspi can't handle that high voltages.



(The caption under the wifi signal says "temperature, air humidity, soil humidity, pictures")