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Loading Outdated Builds

Peter Pölzl edited this page Dec 6, 2020 · 2 revisions


From time to time, Path of Building Community will remove support for outdated game versions.
Meaning that users will not be able to load builds created for such versions without converting them to the current game version first.


Dropping support for outdated game versions at some point is necessary for sustainable, continuous development on Path of Building.
It allows us to maintain a steady feature velocity and release cadence, reduces software bloat and performance decline.

Discontinued game versions

  • Support for game versions before 3.0.0 was removed in release and informally sunsetted in release
    Release is the last release that fully supports builds created for game versions before 3.0.0.

How to load outdated builds:

  • Download the latest standalone (portable zip file) release of Path of Building that fully supports your build.
  • Extract the zip file to a folder (named "your program folder" from now on).
  • Delete the file you find in your program folder. (Otherwise Path of Building performs a full update on its first launch.)
  • Run this standalone release of Path of Building from your program folder.
  • Load your build from an import code or copy it to the Builds folder in your program folder.
  • Make sure not to update this copy of Path of Building, accidentially or otherwise. Doing so will remove the capability to load outdated builds.