This repository contains the documentation, background material, scripts, and data for a tutorial on the Introduction to R. This introductory workshop is greared towards people with a interest/ background in geography and environmental science.
This tutoria requires two things to be installed: The language R and the IDE Rstudio. The downloads can be accessed from the following websites. A variety of packages willl be used and will be instaled within the R environment using the command install.packages("packagename").
- Install R from
Note: The most current version is 3.6.2 (Dark and Stormy Night, 2019-12-12)
- Install Rstudio from
Note: The most current version is 1.2.5033
An overview of the workshop material is listed here:
- Tutorial background information (slides)
- Lecture 1 and Lecture 2
- R Script files
- Data files
Textbooks for general R use:
Statistics in R:
- Chapter 9: R Cookbook
- For more a more in depth background in Statistics please reference material from my [Introduction to Statistics] ( course I previously taught.
R Cheatsheets:
These cheatsheets are provided by the R community and RStudio, describing common procedures and packages. Good cheatsheets to look at are: