- Checkout the SEAD-Monitoring tool from Github and build it using Maven
mvn clean install -DskipTests
- Checkout the IU-SEAD-Cloud repository from Github
git clone https://github.com/Data-to-Insight-Center/IU-SEAD-Cloud.git
- Move the to root directory and execute following command.
mvn clean install -DskipTests
This should build all module needed for the Matchmaker service.
- Copy the following .war files from relevant target directory into TOMCAT_HOME/webapps.
- Fix the endpoint URL in following configuration file under webapp.
- Start the server.
Now the Landing Page and IU-SEAD-Cloud Search web interfaces should be accessible through the following URLs.
IU SEAD Cloud Home Page : http://host:port/landing-page/home.html
IU SEAD Cloud Landing Page : http://host:port/landing-page/sda?tag=<ro_id>
IU SEAD Cloud Search Page: http://host:port/iu-sead-cloud-search/search.html
Please follow the https://github.com/Data-to-Insight-Center/IU-SEAD-Cloud/tree/master/sda-agent/agent README file for IU SEAD Cloud Agent setup.