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Sitecore Warriors


  1. Extend the Sitecore Command Line Interface (CLI) plugin


This Sitecore Job plugin will enable admins to

  • View currently running, queued and finished jobs. Also lists configured Sitecore Database jobs.
  • Execute Sitecore Database jobs on-demand
  • Rebuild the Link database

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Pre-requisites and Dependencies

This module depends on Sitecore CLI.

  • Sitecore Management Services
  • Sitecore CLI

Installation instructions

  1. Bring up a Sitecore instance with Sitecore CLI. Please make sure to install Sitecore Management Services.

  2. Download the Job Management Services package file.

  3. On the Sitecore Launchpad, click Control Panel, Install a package. Then follow the Installation Wizard to install the Job Management Services package package file.

  4. Go to your project folder in a terminal with administrator privileges.

  5. Install the Job plugin: dotnet sitecore plugin add -n SitecoreWarriors.DevEx.Extensibility.Jobs You can check the installed plugins using the dotnet sitecore plugin list command: List of plugins: SitecoreWarriors.DevEx.Extensibility.Jobs v.4.1.1

  6. To verify that the Sitecore CLI Job plugin is installed, go to your project folder in a terminal and type dotnet sitecore job -h, you will get the list of available commands for Job plugin.

Usage instructions

You can use the command as follows:

dotnet sitecore job [subcommand] [options]


You can use the following subcommands:

  1. list - Get all jobs list (running, queued, finished and db task jobs). Db task can be started on-demand.
  2. rebuildlinkdb - Start rebuilding a link db.
  3. start - Start a db task.


You can use the following options with the list subcommand:

*-c, --config (config) Path to root sitecore.json directory (default: cwd)

-v, --verbose Write some additional diagnostic and performance data

-t, --trace Write more additional diagnostic and performance data

-?, -h, --help Show help and usage information*

You can use the following options with the start subcommand:

*-c, --config (config) Path to root sitecore.json directory (default: cwd)

-j, --job-name (job-name) Mention DB Task Schedule Name from Listing.

-v, --verbose Write some additional diagnostic and performance data

-t, --trace Write more additional diagnostic and performance data

-?, -h, --help Show help and usage information*

You can use the following options with the rebuildlinkdb subcommand:

*-c, --config (config) Path to root sitecore.json directory (default: cwd)

-db, --database (database) Mention DB name for rebuilding the link DB (default: master)

-v, --verbose Write some additional diagnostic and performance data

-t, --trace Write more additional diagnostic and performance data

-?, -h, --help Show help and usage information*