An extension of R-Tree1 for Periodic Boundary Condition.
PerioR-Tree is a header-only library depending on Boost C++ Library.
The user-interface is inspired by Boost.Geometry library2.
inserting spheres into rtree with your own position type
#include <your_own/position.hpp>
#include <your_own/sphere.hpp>
#include <periortree/rtree.hpp>
inline rectangle<position> make_aabb(sphere const& sph)
return rectangle<position>(,
position(sph.radius, sph.radius, sph.radius));
int main()
// for value_type,
typedef std::size_t identifier_type;
typedef std::tuple<perior::rectangle<position>, sphere, identifier_type
> value_type;
// periodic boundary conditions you applied
perior::cubic_periodic_boundary<position> boundary{
/* lower bound = */ position{ 0, 0, 0},
/* upper bound = */ position{10,10,10}
// the R-Tree to contain the value
/* value type = */ value_type,
/* parameter = */ perior::quadratic<12>,
/* boundary = */ perior::cubic_periodic_boundary<position>
> tree;
std::vector<sphere> spheres;
* here codes to prepair spheres ...
// insert all the spheres to the R-Tree
for(std::size_t i=0; i<spheres.size(); ++i)
tree.insert(std::make_tuple(make_aabb(,, i));
rectangle<position> rect(position(5., 5., 5.), position(1., 1., 1.));
std::vector<value_type> detected;
// search the spheres that possibly intersects to the rectangle `rect`
tree.query(perior::query::intersects_box(rect), std::back_inserter(detected));
// output all the candidates that possibly intersects to the rectangle
for(const auto& q : detected)
std::cout << "sphere with ID " << std::get<2>(q)
<< " possibly intersects to the rectangle" << std::endl;
return 0;
- Guttman, A. (1984) "R-Trees: A Dynamic Index Structure for Spatial Searching"
- Barend G., Bruno L., Mateusz L., Adam W., Menelaos K., and Vissarion F. (2009) Boost.Geometry