I am Tushar Goel, a backend and machine learning engineer from New Delhi ,India.I aim to develop products and explore technology driven by data, innovation and differentiation.
🌍 I am based in New Delhi, India
🚀 I am currently working on end to end machine learning projects
🌱 I’m currently learning and experimenting LLMs
🤝 I'm open to collaborating on Data Science Projects
❓ Ask me anything related to ML stack and related technologies
⚡ Fun fact: I don't prefer curly brackets in \n
Languages |
Web Frameworks |
SQL Databases |
NoSQL Databases |
Data Engineering |
Data Visualization |
Machine Learning |
Cloud Platforms |
Developer Tools |
S.No. | Title | Emoji | Link |
1 | Matrix Multiplication Using Numpy | 💯 | https://medium.com/@tushargoel4613/matrix-multiplication-using-numpy-15298f152f4d?source=rss-1de1d72756db------2 |
2 | Getting Started With Postman API | 🔥 | https://medium.com/@tushargoel4613/getting-started-with-postman-api-eb5e835e37df?source=rss-1de1d72756db------2 |