A simple way to manage an options array for site, articles, pages etc.
- php 7.4 and above
composer require vildanhakanaj/php-options
use VildanHakanaj\Options;
$options = new Options([
"key1" => "value1",
"key2" => "value2"
// or
$options = Options::fromArray([
"key1" => "value1",
"key2" => "value2"
// Set options
// Use magic setters
$options->key = "value";
// Merge with key value
$options->mergeKey("key", "value");
// Merge an array with key values
$options->merge(["key" => "value", "key1" => "value1"]);
// override options with the given array
$options->override(["newKey" => "newValue"]);
// Only add if its not already in the options
$options->addIfUnique("key", "value");
// Any of the merge operations will override if any of the keys already exists in the options array.
// get value out of options
//Will return null if the key is not found
$value = $options->get("key");
$value = $options->key;
$value = $options["key"];
//Get all values
$values = $options->values();
//Get all keys
$keys = $options->keys();
//Get all options
$array = $options->all();
//Check if the key is in options array
$boolean = $options->has("key");
//Filter by value
$filteredOptions = $options->filter(function($option){
return true; /*logic for filtering*/
// Remove the falsy values
$onlyTruthyValues = $options->filter();
//Filter by key
$filteredOptions = $options->filterByKey(function($option){
return true; /*logic for filtering*/
foreach(Option::fromArray(["key" => "value"]) as $optionKey => $optionValue){
// $optionKey = "key";
// $optionValue = "value";