My personal portfolio and resume on the web, built with Gatsby and hosted with Netlify
Everyone needs their own little spot on the interwebs, and this is mine.
Welcome to my resume, on the web!
The site is powered by Gatsby, the Real Man's blogging platform which allows for it to simply be a build-able, versioned, software project on GitHub. It's 2020. You don't need a relational database management system for some mostly-static HTML. Stop it.
The design represents a compromise between a desire for single-column naked, focused, simplicity and the fun and frolic of animation, color, and widgets in the Time Machine-inspired main banner navigation, and has been inspired by Brittany Chiang. Check her work out, she has an amazing portfolio.
Please also note that this site was not built with the intention of it being a starter theme, so if you have questions about implementation, please refer to the Gatsby docs. If you would like to peek around the code and see what makes this website tick, the complete source code is open to probing right here on GitHub. This project is copylefted under the permissive MIT License, however, proper attributions to owners is expected.
Install the Gatsby CLI
npm install -g gatsby-cli
Install and use the correct version of Node using NVM
nvm install
Install dependencies
Start the development server
npm start
Generate a full static production build
npm run build
Preview the site as it will appear once deployed
npm run serve
Color | Hex |
Navy | #0a192f |
Light Navy | #172a45 |
Lightest Navy | #303C55 |
Slate | #8892b0 |
Light Slate | #a8b2d1 |
Lightest Slate | #ccd6f6 |
White | #e6f1ff |
Green | #64ffda |