A script that generates a text for contest awards:
The output will be like this:
First to solve Problem A: "Handle" at "Time".
First to solve Problem B: "Handle" at "Time".
First to solve Problem C: "Handle" at "Time".
First to solve Problem D: "Handle" at "Time".
First to solve Problem E: "Handle" at "Time".
First to solve Problem F: "Handle" at "Time".
First to solve Problem G: "Handle" at "Time".
Extreme programmer "First Accepted in contest":"Handle" at "Time".
Steadfast Guru "Last Accepted in contest":"Handle" at "Time".
Solid Programmer "Most number of accepted from first Time":"Handle" with "Problems Count" Problems.
Relentless programmer "Solved a Problem after the highest number of wrong submissions":"Handle" Accepted Problem "Problem Letter" after "Submissions Count" wrong submissions.
The First place was ""Handle" With "Problems Count" Problems with Penalty: "Penalty".
The Second place was "Handle" With "Problems Count" Problems with Penalty: "Penalty".
The Third place was "Handle" With "Problems Count" Problems with Penalty: "Penalty".
The Fourth place was "Handle" With "Problems Count" Problems with Penalty: "Penalty".
APIKey and APISecret are used in the authorization process with CF API. You can generate them from: https://codeforces.com/settings/api.
You can find The ID of the contest in its link. for example:
In the "Top" field you are supposed to choose the number of contestants you would like to shou up in the awards.