You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 47
Rebuilding the database
If the database has become corrupted, try to run an integrity check. A common error for a corrupted database is sqlite3.DatabaseError: database disk image is malformed
sqlite3 /var/lib/indi-allsky/indi-allsky.sqlite "PRAGMA integrity_check;"
sudo mysqlcheck -u root indi_allsky --analyze
sudo mysqlcheck -u root indi_allsky --repair
If the sqlite database becomes corrupted or you move the files to a new device, you can easily rebuild the sqlite DB.
The import process will try to reimport all images, dark frames, timelapse videos, and keograms.
Enter the indi-allsky git checkout folder
cd indi-allsky
Activate virtualenv
source virtualenv/indi-allsky/bin/activate
Stop services
systemctl --user stop indi-allsky systemctl --user stop gunicorn-indi-allsky.socket systemctl --user stop gunicorn-indi-allsky.service
Delete the old sqlite DB
rm -f /var/lib/indi-allsky/indi-allsky.sqlite rm -f /var/lib/indi-allsky/indi-allsky.sqlite-shm rm -f /var/lib/indi-allsky/indi-allsky.sqlite-wal
Remove the previous alembic migrations
rm -f /var/lib/indi-allsky/migrations/versions/*.py
Recreate the DB with alembic
flask db revision --autogenerate flask db upgrade head
Bootstrap the config in the DB
./config.py bootstrap
Find the camera driver name This needs to be the driver name returned by INDI. You may see multiple drivers listed here, pick the name of the camera. If you are using a libcamera type camera, the name should be something like
Do not worry if you use the incorrect name. You will just end up with two cameras in the web interface. You can just restart this process again and use the correct name on the second run.
indi_getprop | grep DRIVER_NAME | awk -F= '{print $2}'
Import images and videos
./allsky.py dbImportImages
Recreate thumbnails
Import dark frames
Restart web services
systemctl --user start gunicorn-indi-allsky.socket
If you need to create users, use this wiki guide: https://github.com/aaronwmorris/indi-allsky/wiki/Web-Interface-Password
If you need to pull a config file from an old backup, you can use the following steps.
Find the backup you want to restore in
Restore the database to a temporary file
gunzip -c backup_00000000_0000000.sql.gz | sqlite3 /tmp/restore_indi-allsky.sqlite
Identify a version (by id) you wish to extract
sqlite3 /tmp/restore_indi-allsky.sqlite -header -table "SELECT id,level,note FROM config ORDER BY createDate DESC;"
Extract the config (replace ##### with id number)
sqlite3 /tmp/restore_indi-allsky.sqlite "SELECT data FROM config WHERE id=#####;" | json_pp > /tmp/extracted_config.json cat /tmp/extracted_config.json
The config is available at
You may even restore a config into your current database. WARNING: This will overwrite all of your existing settings. The current config is still in the database and you have the option to revert the config.
Restore a config
source virtualenv/indi-allsky/bin/activate ./config.py load --config /tmp/extracted_config.json --force
If you want to revert to an older configuration in the existing database, follow these steps
Identify the config version you wish to restore
source virtualenv/indi-allsky/bin/activate ./config.py list
Revert the config (replace ##### with the id)
./config.py --id ##### revert