ASyMuT is a system for automatic music transcription (i.e., WAV to MIDI) and analysis.
n : natural number
z : integer number
r : "real" number (actually decimal <~ floating-point)
r+ : non-negative "real" number
s : contiguous string of characters without spaces
p : one among many predefined strings for the given parameter (multiple-choice or "combo")
< > : mandatory parameter
[ ] : optional parameter
[ ] ... [ ] : variable number of optional parameters
Parameter: --stdft_win_len <n>
Abbreviation: -w <n>
Description: Short-Time Discrete Fourier Transform Window Length (a.k.a Frame Size)
Associate variable: unsigned int fft_prop->window->length
Observations: It is possible to use the “k”“ multiplier (e.g. “-w 4k” instead of “-w 4096”)
Parameter: --input_file <s>
Abbreviation: -i <s>
Description: Input File Name
Associate variable: char stream->file_name[FILENAME_MAX]
Parameter: --stdft_apod_fun <p> [r] ... [r]
Abbreviation: -a <p>
Description: STDFT Apodization Function (a.k.a tapering or smoothing function)
Associate variable: Apodization_Function APOD_FUN
Possible values: rectangular
, triangular
, hamming
, hann
, blackman
, blackman-harris
, nuttall3
, nuttall14
, gaussian
, hanning-poisson
, helie_a_w1
, helie_a_w6
Parameter: --stdft_win_step <n>
Abbreviation: -s <n>
Description: STDFT Window Step (a.ka. window hop or frame stride)
Associate variable: unsigned int fft_prop->step
Parameter: --zero_padding_ratio <n>
Abbreviation: -z <n>
Description: Zero Padding Ratio
Associate variable: unsigned short fft_prop->zero_padding_ratio
Parameter: --min_abs_f0 <r+>
Description: Minimum Absolute F0 (in Hertz)
Associate variable: double MIN_ABSOLUTE_F0
Parameter: --min_rel_f0 <r+>
Description: Minimum Relative F0 (in Frequency Resolution units)
Associate variable: double MIN_F0_TO_FREQ_RES_RATIO
Observations: setting to 0 disables this constraint
Parameter: --max_abs_f0 <r+>
Description: Maximum Absolute F0 (in Hertz)
Associate variable: double MAX_ABSOLUTE_F0
Parameter: --max_bands <n>
Description: Maximum Critical Bands
Associate variable: unsigned char MAX_CRITICAL_BANDS
Parameter: --min_interonset_gap <r+>
Description: Minimum Interonset Gap (i.e., Minimum Distance Between Onsets) (in seconds)
Associate variable: double MIN_DISTANCE_BETWEEN_ONSETS
Parameter: --min_onset_win <r+>
Description: Onset Threshold Window Minimum Length (in seconds)
Associate variable: double ONSET_THRESHOLD_ WINDOW_ MIN_LENGTH
Parameter: --max_onset_win <r+>
Description: Onset Threshold Window Maximum Length (in seconds)
Associate variable: double ONSET_THRESHOLD_ WINDOW_ MAX_LENGTH
Parameter: --percentile <r+>
Abbreviation: -p <r+>
Description: Onset Threshold Percentile (in per-unit)
Associate variable: double ONSET_THRESHOLD_PERCENTILE
Rounded to nearest discrete possibility
Parameter: --scale_factor <r>
Abbreviation: -f <r>
Description: Onset Threshold Percentile Scaling Factor
threshold = const_part + scale_factor * percentile(threshold_win)
Parameter: --const_part <r>
Abbreviation: -c <r>
Description: Onset Threshold Constant Part
Associate variable: double ONSET_THRESHOLD_CONSTANT_PART
Parameter: --max_delay <r+>
Description: Maximum After Onset Delay Before F0 Evidence (in seconds)
Parameter: --max_gap <r+>
Description: Maximum F0 Evidence Gap Inside Note (in seconds)
Associate variable: double MAX_F0_EVIDENCE_GAP_INSIDE_NOTE
Parameter: --min_duration <r+>
Description: Minimum Note Duration (i.e., minimum note evidence time)
Associate variable: double MIN_NOTE_DURATION
Parameter: --ref_a4_freq <r+>
Description: A4 Reference Frequency (in Hertz)
Associate variable: double FREQ_REF_A4
Parameter: --pow_norm_level
Abbreviation: -n
Description: Power Normalization Level (in dB)
Associate variable: double POWER_NORMALIZATION_LEVEL
Parameter: --lowest_note <n>
Description: Pitch Range Lowest Note
Associate variable: unsigned char PITCH_RANGE_LOWEST_NOTE
Parameter: --highest_note <n>
Description: Pitch Range Highest Note
Associate variable: unsigned char PITCH_RANGE_HIGHEST_NOTE
Parameter: --f0_method <p> [p] [r] ... [r]
Description: F0 Estimation Method
Associate variable: F0_Estimation_Method ESTIMATION_METHOD
Possible values: (max_index, hps, hsc, bw_hsc, fft_fft) [mag|pow|lp|wd], klapuri
Parameter: --unpred_method <p> [r] ... [r]
Abbreviation: -u
Description: Unpredictability Estimation Method
Associate variable: Unpredictability_Estimation_Method UNPRED_METHOD
Possible values: complex, lp, ilp, sam, ph, new
Parameter: --klap_ic <r+>
Description: Klapuri Multiple F0 Estimation Iteration Control parameter
Associate variable: double KLAPURI_ITERATION_CONTROL
Parameter: --piano_roll
Description: Print Notes as Gnuplot Arrows (piano-roll like)
Associate variable: Asymut_Operation_Mode OPERATION_MODE
Parameter: --transcribe
Description: Transcribe (i.e., default system operation mode)
Parameter: --print <p> | <p> <p> [p]
Description: Prints
Possible values: samples, apod_win_time, apod_win_freq, <spec|loc_max> <ph|uph|mag|pow|lp|wd|pn [ doubled_linebreaks]>, unpred, threshold, bands_response, bands_response_summary, bands_sum, onset, f0_estimate
Parameter: --ruminate <p>
Description: Ruminates (process but don’t print anything, essentially for benchmarking)
Possible values: spec, unpred, f0_estimate
Sistema Automático de Transcrição Melódica
Um Sistema Automático de Transcrição Melódica conference proceeding
A System for the Automatic Transcription of Melodies
Accurate and Efficient Fundamental Frequency Determination from Precise Partial Estimates
PDA extracted (only Hann window + Grandke), no external dependencies, input = samples (not audio files)