A firebase demo chat app
Link to google playstore https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.suzei.racoon
- Show list of public chats that you can join
- Create Private chat for one on one conversation
- Show list of alerts
- You can add friend and create a group with your friends
User login/register to enter the app
Main screen of the app. Shows the list of World chats, Private/Group Chats, Friends, Alerts.
Visit the profile of the user
Send pictures, emojis, text in the chatroom
- support library
- recyclerrefreshlayout (dinuscxj)
- roundedimageview (makeramen)
- ahbottomnavigation (aurelhubert)
- firebase database
- firebase auth
- firebase storage
- firebase-ads
- firebase-ui-database
- crashlytics
- multidex
- butterknife
- timber
- picasso
- compressor (zelory)
- emoji-one (vanniktech)
- joda
MVP (Model, View, Presenter)
Model - consist of read/write functionalities
View - Displaying the data from the Presenter
Presenter - The bridge for the View to communicate to Model. Act as a controller.
Email - [email protected]
Pass - 123456
Email - [email protected]
Pass - qwerty
Email - [email protected]
Pass - 123asd