G-mapping is a ROS-compatible mapping tool designed for robotic applications. The following steps outline the setup process for utilizing G-mapping with an RPLidar sensor.
Before starting, ensure you have the necessary permissions for the RPLidar sensor's port. Run the following command to grant permission:
sudo chmod 666 /dev/ttyUSB0
Replace /dev/ttyUSB0 with the correct port based on your system.
Navigate to your ROS workspace directory. In the provided example:
cd ~/richard/src/rplidar_ros/launch/
Launch the RPLidar node using the appropriate launch file. In this case, we use rplidar.launch:
roslaunch rplidar.launch
Ensure the RPLidar initializes successfully and note the assigned serial port.
Run the fake_odom_pub.py script to publish the fake odometry node from lidar: <--only use when your using lidar as for odometry data-->
rosrun fake_odom_pub.py
To provide a static transform using the rosrun tf command:
rosrun tf static_transform_publisher 0 0 0 0 0 0 odom base_link 80
Open a new terminal and navigate to the ROS workspace directory:
cd ~/richard/src/G_MAPPING
Finally, launch G-mapping using the appropriate launch file, for instance:
roslaunch gmapping_map.launch
To save the map run the following command:
rosrun map_server map_saver -f map
Ensure the sequence is followed meticulously for accurate mapping results. Refer to the ROS documentation or community forums for troubleshooting or additional information.
Make sure to replace /dev/ttyUSB0 with the correct port assigned to your RPLidar. Adjust file paths based on your ROS workspace structure. Consult RPLidar and G-mapping documentation for further customization and troubleshooting.