KanboardEmailHistory v1.0
What's Changed
(most recent changes are listed on top):
- b104e76 Cleanup code
- 0d4737d Update README.md
- b5f77d8 FIX: Email styling for comments section
- 275f5f0 Attempt to call plugin-specific templates- Fixes #1
- 92b0e50 Merge pull request #2 - template override for action replaces frontend template
- 7d478aa Attempt to call plugin-specific templatesAttempt to call plugin-specific templates instead of template overrides
- b64df1e Avoid Template OverridesAvoid template overrides to prevent the frontend from being affected
- 455916d FIX: Translations
- c143eca NEW: Add Translations- Added French, German (used Google Translate for translations)
- 7fd5b6b FIX: Email Content - Fixes: commit 815d234 (based on suggestions by @creecros)
- 815d234 UPDATE: Add email structure to Action - Correct spacing on subject line
- f544b4a NEW: Set Template Overrides
- 4ace072 UPDATE: Translations - Split language strings for creator and assignee
- 8a8f016 Wrong folder in conditional
- 408723f Few more fixes I missed
- 4c2ec10 Fixes
- 29e80a3 add code comments
- 6cc4c44 NEW: Initial push
- 0a2f804 UPDATE: Translations
- 9d0504d NEW: Added
translations - 6dfc04f Create translations.php
- 7701fbc Delete EmailCommentHistory
- 31929bc Rename EmailFullTaskHistory to EmailTaskHistory
- 51f0ac8 Create EmailFullTaskHistory
- 8a1a92d Create EmailCommentHistory
- e721ed0 Create Plugin.php