This mini project incorporates various factors other than traditional demographic information to train a neural network to predict life expectancies.
- Data Preprocessing: One of the first lessons was the importance of clean and meaningful data. Working with Pandas, I employed techniques for data cleaning and transformation, which are crucial for training a reliable model.
- Dataset Analysis: Understanding the dataset was vital. It helped me recognize patterns, anomalies, and the significance of different features in predicting life expectancy.
- Model Selection: Experimenting with different models using TensorFlow/Keras and Scikit-learn was interesting to see how both libraries equip the everyday user with powerful models to explore machine learning.
- Model Tuning: This process highlighted the delicate balance between model complexity, overfitting, and underfitting.
- Feature Engineering: Incorporate more diverse features and data to improve the model's accuracy and predictability.
- Further Tunining of Hyperparameters: Further experimentation of hyperparameters used during the model building process can be explored.
- Data Analysis: More thorough data analysis of the results can be done to derive more insights.