Straightforward review/rating functionality, updated for
Solidus. While the Gem name has changed, the module
namespace and commands are still spree
for now.
Add the following to your Gemfile
to install from git:
gem 'solidus_reviews', github: 'solidusio-contrib/solidus_reviews'
Now bundle up with:
Next, run the rake task that copies the necessary migrations and assets to your project:
rails g spree_reviews:install
And finish with a migrate:
rake db:migrate
Now you should be able to boot up your server with:
rails s
That's all!
Action "submit" in "reviews" controller - goes to review entry form
Users must be logged in to submit a review
Three partials:
-- display number of starsapp/views/spree/products/_shortrating.html.erb
-- shorter version of aboveapp/views/spree/products/_review.html.erb
-- display a single review
Administrator can edit and/or approve and/or delete reviews.
If you want factories for our models available in your application, simply
require our factories in your spec_helper.rb
require "solidus_reviews/factories"
Reviews table is quite obvious - and note the "approved" flag which is for the administrator to update.
Ratings table holds current fractional value - avoids frequent recalc...
Some points which might need modification in future:
- I don't track the actual user on a review (just their "screen name" at the time), but we may want to use this information to avoid duplicate reviews etc. See spree-contrib/spree_reviews#18
- Rating votes are tied to a review, to avoid spam. However: ratings are accepted whether or not the review is accepted. Perhaps they should only be counted when the review is approved.
See corresponding contributing guidelines.
Copyright (c) 2009-2014 Spree Commerce and contributors, released under the New BSD License