This project demonstrate how to leverage Service Mesh Layer in Microservice Architecture.
- Build docker images locally
or build and push docker images to configured $dockerRepository
./gradlew clean jibDockerBuild
./gradlew clean jib
Build separate service
./gradlew clean :order-service:jib -x test
- Up and run docker containers with all the business and technical services
cd docker && docker-compose up -d --scale order-service=2 --scale user-service=2
- Test "get orders" endpoint works (request chain: api-gateway -> linkerd -> order-service -> linkerd -> user-service
curl -v http://localhost:8070/order-service/api/orders
One-liner Run:
./gradlew clean jibDockerBuild && cd docker && docker-compose up -d --remove-orphans --scale order-service=2 --scale user-service=2
cd docker && docker-compose stop
Install order-service
cd order-service && helm install order-service ./chart
Uninstall order-service
cd order-service && helm uninstall order-service
Install user-service
cd user-service && helm install user-service ./chart
Uninstall order-service
cd user-service && helm uninstall user-service
Install all MSA infra
helm install msa-infra ./msa-infra-chart
Uninstall all MSA infra
helm uninstall msa-infra
Project Architecture
Service Mesh Demo Presentation
Desired name of the dockerRepository should be configured in
Example of Microservice Architecture with Spring Boot, Microservice Architecture with Service Mesh, Service Mesh example Java Kotlin, Service Mesh POC, Linkerd example Java, Linkerd Docker example