This repository consists of two projects:
- Improving the quality of a low brightness video.
- Lane detection and turn prediction This projects aims to do a simple lane detection to mimic lane departure warning systems used in self-driving cars.
- The various concepts that were tried are:
- This involved the concepts of hough transform and hough lines.
Implementation approach and explanation of the concepts involved and the solution can be found in the report.
- Go to directory: 'Code/improve_video_quality/'
- $ python
- Please copy-paste the video 'Night Drive-2689.mp4' to the following location relative to this README file: './Code/media/improve_video_quality_data/'
For dataset_1:
- Go to directory: 'Code/lane_detection/'
- Run the file: $ python
- Please copy-paste the images to the following location relative to this README file: './Code/media/lane_detection_data/images/'
For dataset_2:
- Go to directory: 'Code/lane_detection/'
- Run the file: $ python
- Please copy-paste the images to the following location relative to this README file: './Code/media/lane_detection_data/video/'
Improving video quality:
Lane detection:
Output videos can be found here.