What's Changed
- fix(ci): plugin failure by @squakez in #5312
- fix(cli): openshift cli install rbac path by @gansheer in #5316
- chore(deps): bump github.com/prometheus/client_model from 0.6.0 to 0.6.1 by @dependabot in #5319
- chore(deps): bump github.com/prometheus/common from 0.51.1 to 0.52.2 by @dependabot in #5320
- chore: Upgrade golang.org/x/net by @gansheer in #5322
- doc: adjust nightly release description by @squakez in #5325
- chore(deps): bump golang.org/x/oauth2 from 0.18.0 to 0.19.0 by @dependabot in #5323
- feat(trait): allow usage of semver for camel.runtime-version by @squakez in #5327
- feat(core): Upgrade API kubernetes 1.28 by @gansheer in #5329
- chore(deps): bump golang.org/x/term from 0.18.0 to 0.19.0 by @dependabot in #5330
- chore(deps): bump golang.org/x/sync from 0.6.0 to 0.7.0 by @dependabot in #5331
- chore(deps): bump knative.dev/eventing from 0.39.3 to 0.40.3 by @dependabot in #5220
- chore(deps): openshift api to 4.15 by @squakez in #5336
- chore(deps): bump knative.dev/serving from 0.39.3 to 0.40.1 by @dependabot in #5133
- fix(#5326): Fix flaky E2E test by @christophd in #5338
- fix(olm): set minKubeVersion and Openshift version by @squakez in #5339
- fatal error: concurrent map read and map write by @tdiesler in #5317
- fix(#5341): Add IntegrationProfile to CSV by @christophd in #5342
- fix(#4922): Fix flaky TestHealthTrait by @christophd in #5346
- fix(install): No duplicate envvars on operator pod container by @gansheer in #5350
- chore(deps): bump github.com/prometheus/common from 0.52.2 to 0.52.3 by @dependabot in #5352
- Platform choice for aarch64 is incorrect by @tdiesler in #5299
- feat(deps): Upgrade controller-runtime to 0.16.x by @gansheer in #5335
- chore(deps): bump knative.dev/serving from 0.39.3 to 0.40.1 by @dependabot in #5358
- chore(ci): Fix license check by @gansheer in #5364
- feat(trait): Spectrum deprecation notice by @squakez in #5363
- fix: Fix garbage collection trait by @christophd in #5365
- chore(e2e): Remove unnecessary jvm.option in test by @gansheer in #5371
- chore(ci): Upgrade kind to 0.22.0 and kindest/node to 1.28.7 by @gansheer in #5373
- chore(deps): bump fabric8-version from 6.11.0 to 6.12.0 in /java/crds by @dependabot in #5368
- fix(ci): remove Helm upgrade test by @squakez in #5377
- chore: re-enable file permissions test on darwin by @lzap in #5380
- chore(deps): bump github.com/onsi/gomega from 1.32.0 to 1.33.0 by @dependabot in #5388
- fix(trait): condition kit type by @squakez in #5382
- fix(trait): inherit platform configuration by @squakez in #5383
- chore(api): remove deprecated ip shortname by @squakez in #5384
- chore(deps): bump github.com/prometheus/common from 0.52.3 to 0.53.0 by @dependabot in #5387
- (fix#5315): concurrent map read and map write by @tdiesler in #5375
- Replaced echo-server image by multiarch by @lfabriko in #5392
- doc(#5386): Contributing page updated by @vkrejcirik in #5393
- chore(deps): bump fabric8-version from 6.12.0 to 6.12.1 in /java/crds by @dependabot in #5396
- chore(deps): bump org.apache:apache from 31 to 32 in /java/crds by @dependabot in #5397
- fix(trait): define synthetic Kit by @squakez in #5399
- fix(trait): don't report runtime version... by @squakez in #5378
- chore(e2e): Use new test namespace in Knative E2E tests by @christophd in #5408
- Adding eventing core types on RBAC by @matzew in #5412
- fix(trait): remove imageWasKit by @squakez in #5418
- Add e2e traits test for cron by @tdiesler in #5414
- doc(trait): Maven profile cm/secret additional information by @gansheer in #5416
- fix(trait): compute cm after catalog by @squakez in #5423
- fix(trait): controller strategy default service port name by @squakez in #5411
- fix(#5402): Evaluate Knative profile based on Serving/Eventing installed by @christophd in #5419
- chore(cmd): error if no default catalog found by @squakez in #5431
- docs: remove duplicate affinity entry in camel-runtimes doc by @mdebarros in #5434
- fix(pipeline): add s2i to publish tasks by @mmajerni in #5435
- chore(e2e): Allow to disable copy optimizations on E2E tests by @christophd in #5436
- chore(release): fix missing licenses by @gansheer in #5442
- fixes(#5439): Build should enforce a required jdk version by @tdiesler in #5440
- chore(deps): bump github.com/onsi/gomega from 1.33.0 to 1.33.1 by @dependabot in #5444
- Enhance offline script and documentation by @claudio4j in #5447
- (#5424) Generate badges & ignore internal traits by @tdiesler in #5425
- feat(trait): enable health trait by default by @squakez in #5096
- feat(api): show integration readiness by @squakez in #5448
- fix(e2e): add readiness workaround as expected by Camel framework by @squakez in #5450
- chore(deps): bump golang.org/x/oauth2 from 0.19.0 to 0.20.0 by @dependabot in #5452
- chore(deps): bump golang.org/x/text from 0.14.0 to 0.15.0 by @dependabot in #5453
- fix(kamelets): parse the url used to download kamelet by @squakez in #5457
- chore(deps): bump golang.org/x/term from 0.19.0 to 0.20.0 by @dependabot in #5458
- feat(trait): enforce Pod and Container security context by @squakez in #5461
- chore: update golagci-lint to v1.158.0 by @lburgazzoli in #5471
- Remove maven threads configuration based on GOMAXPROCS by @lburgazzoli in #5468
- Incorrect content of the build/_maven_overlay directory causes the build project failure by @lburgazzoli in #5469
- chore(doc): update developers doc by @lburgazzoli in #5470
- chore: use the same make targhet for lkint and vuln check locally and on ci by @lburgazzoli in #5477
- fix(#5292): Simplify run cmd for archs other than amd64 by @tdiesler in #5403
- Test fixes by @valdar in #5415
- cleanup golagci-lint configuration by @lburgazzoli in #5482
- fix(maven): move check for MAVEN_CMD before maven wrapper setup by @lburgazzoli in #5478
- cleanup pkg/util packages by @lburgazzoli in #5480
- Review permission check by @lburgazzoli in #5479
- chore(deps): bump github.com/prometheus/client_golang from 1.19.0 to 1.19.1 by @dependabot in #5492
- fix(tests): Minor fix to incremental_build_test.go after fixing of copykits. by @valdar in #5494
- chore(tools): update golangci-lint to v1.58.1 by @lburgazzoli in #5495
- feat(lint): enabe magic number detector (mld) by @lburgazzoli in #5496
- feat(lint): enabe goconst linter by @lburgazzoli in #5499
- Re evaluate golanci-lint exclusions (execinquery,whitespace,wastedassign,tagliatelle,nolintlint,lll)" by @lburgazzoli in #5502
- feat(4893) YAML DSL route configuration support by @realMartinez in #5369
- fix(e2e): Route trait schema valid in OCP by @gansheer in #5506
- (#5489) Groovy > Yaml by @tdiesler in #5497
- fix(e2e): Tekton test permission failure with olm install command by @gansheer in #5505
- (#5489) Use yaml in e2e common by @tdiesler in #5517
- fix(trait): environment variables by @squakez in #5515
- doc: upgrade deployment procedure by @squakez in #5514
- fix(ci): configurable timeouts by @squakez in #5512
- fix(tests): fixed flaky Readiness condition with never ready route test in e2e/common/traits/health_test.go by @valdar in #5503
- chore(trait): revert default health enabled by @squakez in #5516
- fix(trait): camel catalog regression by @squakez in #5524
- chore(deps): bump github.com/go-logr/logr from 1.4.1 to 1.4.2 by @dependabot in #5532
- fix(e2e): Deprecated SSL quarkus configuration by @gansheer in #5530
- (#5489) Use yaml in e2e install by @tdiesler in #5518
- chore: Remove useless print by @gansheer in #5536
- Fix offline script to use maven settings and option to skip ssl verification by @claudio4j in #5538
- chore(ci): Knative 1.14.0 by @squakez in #5551
- fix(traits): don't skip for synthetic kits by @squakez in #5548
- fix(trait): jolokia link by @squakez in #5554
- feat(trait): jvm refactoring by @squakez in #5488
- fix(e2e): Data type action kamelet transformer error by @gansheer in #5557
- fix(ctrl): synthetic Integration cannot set blockOwnerDeletion by @squakez in #5561
- fix(builder): add root and base image to S2I report by @squakez in #5555
- chore(e2e): revert a commented test by @squakez in #5564
- fix(pipeline) fix s2i image in publish task by @mmajerni in #5542
- Re evaluate golanci-lint exclusions (dupl, gofumpt, nestif) by @lburgazzoli in #5507
- chore(builder): Jib disableUpdateChecks = true by @squakez in #5566
- fix(cmd): promote correct labels by @squakez in #5568
- chore(deps): bump fabric8-version from 6.12.1 to 6.13.0 in /java/crds by @dependabot in #5572
- chore(deps): bump github.com/spf13/viper from 1.18.2 to 1.19.0 by @dependabot in #5571
- fix(ctrl): Pipe rebuild after error phase by @squakez in #5565
- kind/feature/5395/expand pod template spec by @hernanDatgDev in #5445
- chore(builder): add -DskipTests by @squakez in #5567
- fix(pipe): don't panic if no binding available by @squakez in #5569
- chore(deps): bump github.com/prometheus/common from 0.53.0 to 0.54.0 by @dependabot in #5574
- chore(helm): release 2.3.2 by @squakez in #5576
- chore: bump last released version by @squakez in #5578
- (#5545) Add a canonical script that installs Knative by @tdiesler in #5573
- Add support for TEST_SKIP_AFTER_FAILURE_COUNT by @tdiesler in #5475
- chore(deps): bump golang.org/x/text from 0.15.0 to 0.16.0 by @dependabot in #5585
- feat(e2e): Rewrite tekton test to use run command by @gansheer in #5570
- chore(ci): Upgrade opentelemetry-collector to last v0.x by @gansheer in #5582
- fix(ci): OLM annotation syntax by @squakez in #5586
- chore(deps): bump golang.org/x/term from 0.20.0 to 0.21.0 by @dependabot in #5584
- chore(deps): bump golang.org/x/oauth2 from 0.20.0 to 0.21.0 by @dependabot in #5583
- fix(e2e): Ensures Maven proxy test is not infra dependant by @gansheer in #5581
- fix(ci): merge helm with older index by @squakez in #5591
- fix(ci): join low and high memory Quarkus native test by @squakez in #5593
- fix(core): Remove status.Image update post publish by @gansheer in #5600
- test: Improve tests for maven proxy settings by @gansheer in #5594
- chore(release): bump last released version to 2.3.3 by @squakez in #5609
- fix: Improve Knative trigger filter by @christophd in #5597
- (#5489) Migrate groovy => yaml for ./e2e/knative by @tdiesler in #5614
- (#5489) Migrate groovy => yaml for ./e2e/yaks by @tdiesler in #5618
- Revisit final operator install message by @tdiesler in #5622
- doc: Fix Camel K examples links by @gansheer in #5625
- feat(ci): bring back Quarkus native execution on PR and pushes by @squakez in #5626
- fix(install): simplify kustomize procedure by @squakez in #5610
- (#5490) Move deprecated v1alpha1.KameletBinding tests to v1.Pipe by @tdiesler in #5624
- feat(core): Mount configmap/secret resources in dedicated resources.d by @gansheer in #5605
- feat(ci): local installation procedure by @squakez in #5629
- chore(release): fix missing licenses by @gansheer in #5630
- chore(deps): bump github.com/spf13/cobra from 1.8.0 to 1.8.1 by @dependabot in #5642
- chore(deps): bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin from 3.2.5 to 3.3.0 in /java/crds by @dependabot in #5644
- fix(traits): annotations refactoring by @squakez in #5637
- chore(deps): bump k8s.io/klog/v2 from 2.120.1 to 2.130.0 by @dependabot in #5643
- fix(e2e): always build bundle and set local config by @squakez in #5647
- chore(cmd): remove deprecated .spec.integration usage by @squakez in #5649
- (#5635) Add TLS configuration in the ingress trait by @romain-pfund in #5650
- chore(deps): bump github.com/container-tools/spectrum from 0.6.42 to 0.6.45 by @dependabot in #5655
- feat(ci): check licenses on PRs by @gansheer in #5636
- (#5652) Added TimeoutSeconds to knative-serving trait by @hernanDatgDev in #5653
- chore(deps): bump k8s.io/klog/v2 from 2.130.0 to 2.130.1 by @dependabot in #5665
- feat(#5121): adding timeZone property to the Cron trait spec by @lsergio in #5664
- fix(e2e): Telemetry rest-consumer service name by @gansheer in #5660
- (#5463) Add make targets: setup-knative, setup-yaks by @tdiesler in #5661
- fix(trait): explicit jolokia agent dependency by @squakez in #5668
- chore(deps): bump github.com/container-tools/spectrum from 0.6.45 to 0.6.46 by @dependabot in #5672
- chore(deps): bump github.com/prometheus/common from 0.54.0 to 0.55.0 by @dependabot in #5673
- chore(e2e) Add options to customize vars with ENVs in cli e2e tests by @mmajerni in #5648
- Document how to clean container registry and script to prune. by @claudio4j in #5670
- chore(deps): bump github.com/container-tools/spectrum from 0.6.46 to 0.6.47 by @dependabot in #5676
- feat: default resources for Operator and Integration Pods by @squakez in #5675
- fix(ci): delete deployment before other resources by @squakez in #5679
- chore(ci): simplify github actions execution by @squakez in #5657
- chore(install): reduce default resource footprint by @squakez in #5681
- feat: dependencies default order strategy by @squakez in #5669
- chore(deps): bump github.com/container-tools/spectrum from 0.6.47 to 0.6.48 by @dependabot in #5684
- fix(install): avoid kubectl execution on Makefile evaluation by @gansheer in #5686
- chore(deps): bump fabric8-version from 6.13.0 to 6.13.1 in /java/crds by @dependabot in #5688
- chore(deps): bump golang.org/x/term from 0.21.0 to 0.22.0 by @dependabot in #5687
- fix(helm): Remove duplicate clusterrole camel-k edit by @gansheer in #5690
- chore(build): Fix docker build warnings by @gansheer in #5689
- chore(deps): bump org.apache:apache from 32 to 33 in /java/crds by @dependabot in #5694
- chore(deps): bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin from 3.3.0 to 3.3.1 in /java/crds by @dependabot in #5695
- fix(ci): raise again default resource footprint by @gansheer in #5697
- chore(ci): Dump some cluster infos by @gansheer in #5699
- fix(e2e): Fix cron test by @gansheer in #5700
- fix(ci): Reduce parallelism for smoke tests by @gansheer in #5702
- chore(deps): bump github.com/onsi/gomega from 1.33.1 to 1.34.0 by @dependabot in #5710
- chore(deps): bump github.com/container-tools/spectrum from 0.6.48 to 0.6.52 by @dependabot in #5714
- (#5654) Added emptyDir support to mount trait by @hernanDatgDev in #5709
- (#5680) adding forcefullyEnabled for sourceless by @hernanDatgDev in #5693
- fix(#5706): removing trait prefix from condition type by @lsergio in #5713
- fix(trait): sourceless openapi by @squakez in #5711
- fix(ci): tune resources by @squakez in #5715
New Contributors
- @lzap made their first contribution in #5380
- @vkrejcirik made their first contribution in #5393
- @matzew made their first contribution in #5412
- @mdebarros made their first contribution in #5434
- @romain-pfund made their first contribution in #5650
Full Changelog: v2.3.3...v2.4.0