WeatherApp i a weather application provading current weather and weather forecast. It uses RESTful API provided by It features displaying current weather or three hour forecast for next 5 days, based on city, global coordinates or internal city ID.
Application is written with Java and OpenJFX. Minimal supported java version is 10. Preview (Windows and Linux):
To get complete and runnable application download the release targeted for your platform:
Note: Java 10 or higher is required to build and run this package.
To get source code use the following commands:
git clone
cd WeatherApp
To compile and distribute the application type:
mvn package
It will create 'WeatherApp' subdirectory containing ready to run application. To run it open 'WeatherApp.jar' file in your favourite file manager or use command:
java -jar WeatherApp/WeatherApp.jar
Note: If you are using linux systems it may be neccesary to add executable permissions to file first (if starting from file manager).
chmod a+x WeatherApp/WeatherApp.jar
To run the code using maven enter:
mvn compile exec:java
In intelliJ menu go to:
Import project
Then navigate to 'WeatherApp' directory and select 'pom.xml'. Complete the import dialog selecting JDK 10 or newer. After the project is open perform:
Add Configuration.. -> + -> Maven
Enter the name of the configuration (e.g. Weather App) and add folowing arguments to 'Command line:'
-q compile exec:java
Accept configuration settings. Your project should be fully configured and runnable now (Shift+F10).