The site that runs the Bellingcat challenge (without the challenge content).
The key features are:
The site is staticly hosted, and is rebuilt as often as needed (currently daily)
A challenge is published at a specified date
A challenge consists of sequential puzzles
Within a challenge, all puzzles after the first can initially be locked
A player can unlock a puzzle by answering the previous one, or waiting for it to unlock.
Puzzles unlock automatically at a given date
Each puzzle is specified in a markdown file
The markdown file contains metadata to associate with a particular challenge, unlock date, etc
The main body of the file can be encrypted
To build the public directory of puzzles (./puzzles/
) from the raw puzzles (./puzzles_raw/
), use:
npm run prebuild
For development, use:
npm run dev
Build with
npm run build
and test the build with
npm run preview
Finally, format with Prettier by using:
npm run format