Live Site (be patient with Heroku):
This application is accessible through CanvasInstructure for CodeFellows students and as a guest for anyone with a GitHub account. Educational content and challenges are dynamically populated through a staff-maintained GitHub Repo. Students can watch tutorials, read instructive documentation, take notes, and practice new concepts in a persistent REPL (code editor). Assigned challenges can be submitted directly back to Canvas for instructional staff to track and grade.
ReactJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB, Webpack, various node modules.
- jest-enzyme
- Step 1. Fork and Clone the Repository.
- Step 2.
npm install
on both Service and Website - Step 3. Run Mongo DB
- Step 4.
npm run watch
Services,npm run start
Website - Step 5. You should now be able to visit:
to log in to the application - Step 6. Login with your GitHub account
- Step 7. Choose a challenge from the menu and code away
The "Pages" component checks for a GitHub token, if present it will open the assignment
If there is no token, a GitHub login will be prompted
Same "Pages" component determines if user is a guest by checking in the "assignment length" which in a guest case is 0.
This prompts the GitHub login and displays the user's GitHub profile picture, and a sidebar menu with the assignments.
- README and Notes
The "Readme" component fetches the README file from GitHub by URL
Same component renders the click event to open a note.
Once the Note icon is clicked, the "Note" component handles change and submit events so the note is saved to the specific assignment
- Video
The "Video" component renders it by URL
- Repl environment ("monaco-editor" module)
Multiple components handle this part.
"Rotator" component displays the challenges, uses a doubly
linked list (the children of the component) structure from a .js file outside of the component, sets state to the active child in the list
"Workspace" component runs code in the coderunner, with the "nel" module, to check for errors.
Same component generates the assignment link an the copy link field for canvas users only.
The "Repl" component provides the environment to run and check code with the "monaco-editor" module
Ben Hurst, Justin Morris