A Vagrant LAMP that uses PHP 5.3.10
- VirtualBox http://www.virtualbox.org
- Vagrant http://www.vagrantup.com
- Git http://git-scm.com/
- Download one of the releases available https://github.com/bmckinney/widgetbox-php53/releases
- Extract the ZIP file.
- From the command-line:
$ cd widgetbox-php53-PHP53-2017-04-25
$ vagrant up
The Apache server is available at
The MySQL server is available at port 306 as usual. Username: root Password: root
- Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit
- Apache 2.2.33
- PHP 5.3.10
- MySQL 5.5
- XDebug 2.1
- PHPUnit 4.8
- Composer 1.4
We are using the base Ubuntu 14.04 box from Vagrant (precise64). If you don't already have it downloaded the Vagrantfile has been configured to do it for you. This only has to be done once for each account on your host computer.
The web root is the project directory and you can install your files there.
And like any other vagrant file you have SSH access with
$ vagrant ssh