A mutli-threaded fractal explorer written in Rust-SDL. Fractals include Mandelbrot, Julia and Newton fractals. Zoom in as far as you like, the only limit is 64-bit float precision !
I : Zoom in (coarse)
O : Zoom out (coarse)
U : Upscale, increases iterations (coarse)
P : Downscale (coarse)
Z, Q, S, D : Movement
T : Tweak, changes parameter for Julia and factor for Newton's method (by a factor of
$e^{id\theta}$ ) -
<Tab> to switch fractals
K : Zoom in (fine)
J : Upscale (fine)
cargo run --release
Note: debug mode is much to slow.
As of now, changing the colorscale is done manualy buy changing the color vector in the default settings inside the code, src/main.rs line 204. Write the colors you want in order (RGB format), and the gradient will perform a linear interpolation between them.
Change the function used to plot Newton Fractals to any function with zeroes, direcly in the code default settings : src/main.rs default_f, default_fp line 207. default_fp must be the derivative of default_f.