chaos-genius v0.7.0-alpha
Release Notes for Chaos Genius 0.7.0
Hello everyone, our 0.7.0 release takes care of usability & experience issues our users found operating Chaos Genius at scale. We briefly cover the main features & fixes here.
🎊 Pagination to manage 1000s of KPIs
Some of you who are monitoring a large number of KPIs found degraded performance in Home Screen, KPI Explorer, Data Sources & Alerts. We have now added pagination & server-side search so Chaos Genius UI scale wells for 1000s of KPIs. Thank you, Klub team for bringing this to our attention!
- added paginate param for data sources dropdown in event alert #953
- added paginate params for the KPI list and changed font size in pagination #946
- pagination frontend #935
- added fixes for filtering of url #949
🐛 Robust KPI Editing
We now have more robust editing for KPIs, including support for removing all subdimensions during the edit process. Thanks, @GRANTOSMO & Athul!
- [BUG] Task Failure Alert for KPIs with Empty Sub-dimension List After Editing #938
- fix(editkpi): issue of subdim anomaly failure after removal of all subdims #939
🛡️ Vulnerabilities Fixes
Like with other releases we make sure that there are no vulnerability or security issues in any libraries or dependencies Chaos Genius uses. We have also made CORS disabled by default - and it is configurable (thanks, @rsohlot).