A PSR-7/PSR-17 HTTP message and factory implementation.
- PSR-7 HTTP message implementation
- PSR-17 HTTP factory implementation
based on PSR-7Message
objects (RFC-2046, section 5.1)
- PHP 8.1+
The documentation of the PSR-7 interfaces can be found over at https://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-7/.
NOTE: This library has abandoned the paranoid "value object" "immuatbility" that is dictated by PSR-7 for it is horseshit. The pseudo-immutability gets in the way more often (always) than it is useful (never) and creates endless overhead. If you want your objects to be immutable for whatever reason, just fucking clone them and don't force countless libraries to do that for you instead. If you don't like it, just use Guzzle instead (spoiler: you won't notice the difference).
The API documentation can be auto generated with phpDocumentor. There is an online version available via the gh-pages branch that is automatically deployed on each push to main.
Locally created docs will appear in .build/phpdocs/
. If you'd like to create local docs, please follow these steps:
- download phpDocumentor v3+ as .phar archive
- run it in the repository root directory:
- on Windows
c:\path\to\php.exe c:\path\to\phpDocumentor.phar --config=phpdoc.xml
- on Linux just
php /path/to/phpDocumentor.phar --config=phpdoc.xml
- on Windows
- open index.html in a browser
- profit!
Use at your own risk!
This library contains portions of code (tests) from the following libraries:
- Guzzle PSR-7 (MIT)
- Slim (MIT)