Objective-c Version: LBXScan
- scan code interface
- QR code and bar code recognition and generation
- image recognition from the Album (Test results are not good)
1、 QQ scan code interface 2、Alipay scan code interface 3、Wechat scan code interface
- The background color can be set around the scan frame
- Scan code frame color can also be set
- Scan code box 4 corners of the color can be set, the size can be set
- Can only be set to identify the scan code box in the image area
- Scan code can be set to get the current picture
- According to the results of the scan code, can intercept part of the image
- Animation options: Line up and down、Grid form movement、Middle line not moving(use for bar code scanning commonly)
source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '8.0'
pod 'swiftScan', '~> 1.0.9'
download and copy the Source folder to your project