A Clojure(script) library to produce human-readable strings for numbers, dates, and more based on similar libraries in other languages
Takes a number and return a full written string form. For example, 23237897 will be written as "twenty-three million two hundred and thirty-seven thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven".
user> (require '[clj-commons.humanize :as h])
user> (h/numberword 3567)
"three thousand five hundred and sixty-seven"
user> (h/numberword 25223)
"twenty-five thousand two hundred and twenty-three"
user> (h/numberword 23237897)
"twenty-three million two hundred and thirty-seven thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven"
Converts an integer to a string containing commas every three digits.
user> (h/intcomma 1000)
user> (h/intcomma 10123)
user> (h/intcomma 10311)
user> (h/intcomma 1000000)
Converts a large integer to a friendly text representation. Works best for numbers over 1 million. For example, 1000000 becomes '1.0 million', 1200000 becomes '1.2 million' and '1200000000' becomes '1.2 billion'. Supports up to decillion (33 digits) and googol (100 digits).
user> (h/intword 2000000000)
"2.0 billion"
user> (h/intword 6000000000000)
"6.0 trillion"
user> (h/intword 3500000000000000000000N)
"3.5 sextillion"
user> (h/intword 8100000000000000000000000000000000N)
"8.1 decillion"
Converts an integer to its ordinal as a string.
user> (h/ordinal 1)
user> (h/ordinal 2)
user> (h/ordinal 4)
user> (h/ordinal 11)
user> (h/ordinal 111)
Format a number of bytes as a human-readable filesize (eg. 10 kB). By default, decimal suffixes (kB, MB) are used. Passing the :binary option as true will use binary suffixes (KiB, MiB) are used.
The :format option gives more control over how the numeric part of the output filesize is created.
user> (h/filesize 3000000 :binary false)
user> (h/filesize 3000000000000 :binary false)
user> (h/filesize 3000 :binary true :format "%.2f")
user> (h/filesize 3000000 :binary true)
Truncate a string with suffix (ellipsis by default) if it is longer than specified length.
user> (h/truncate "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" 10)
user> (h/truncate "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" 10 "[more]")
Converts a list of items to a human-readable string with an optional limit.
user> (h/oxford ["apple" "orange" "mango"])
"apple, orange, and mango"
user> (h/oxford ["apple" "orange" "mango" "pear"]
:maximum-display 2)
"apple, orange, and 2 others"
user> (h/oxford ["apple" "orange" "mango" "pear"]
:maximum-display 2
:truncate-noun "fruit")
"apple, orange, and 2 other fruits"
user> (h/oxford ["apple" "orange" "mango" "pear"]
:maximum-display 2
:number-format h/numberword
:truncate-noun "fruit")
"apple, orange, and two other fruits"
Return the pluralized noun if the given number is not 1.
user (require '[clj-commons.humanize.inflect :as i])
user> (i/pluralize-noun 2 "thief")
user> (i/pluralize-noun 3 "tomato")
user> (i/pluralize-noun 4 "roof")
user> (i/pluralize-noun 5 "person")
user> (i/pluralize-noun 6 "buzz")
Other functions in the inflect namespace are used to extend the rules for how particular words, or particular letter patterns in words, can be pluralized.
Given a datetime or date, return a human-friendly representation of the amount of time difference, relative to the current time.
user> (import '(java.time LocalDateTime) '(java.time.temporal ChronoUnit))
user> (h/datetime (.plusSeconds (LocalDateTime/now) -30))
"30 seconds ago"
user> (h/datetime (.plusSeconds (LocalDateTime/now) 30))
"in 30 seconds"
user> (h/datetime (.plus (LocalDateTime/now) -20 ChronoUnit/YEARS))
"2 decades ago"
user> (h/datetime (.plus (LocalDateTime/now) -7 ChronoUnit/YEARS))
"7 years ago"
Given a duration in milliseconds, return a human-friendly representation of the amount of time passed.
user> (h/duration 2000)
"two seconds"
user> (h/duration 325100)
"five minutes, twenty-five seconds"
user> (h/duration 500)
"less than a second"
user> (h/duration 325100 {:number-format str})
=> "5 minutes, 25 seconds"
clj -M:clj-kondo --lint src
JVM tests can be run with just:
clojure -X:test
For cljs, you will need node/npm in order to install karma:
npm install -g karma karma-cljs-test karma-chrome-launcher karma-firefox-launcher
Then tests can be run with:
clojure -M:cljs-test -x chrome-headless
Or -x firefox-headless
Check deps-deploy README for details regarding clojars credentials.
Build a snapshot jar:
clojure -T:build jar
Deploy a snapshot:
clojure -T:build deploy
Set :release
to true
for a release version (make sure the version number in build.clj
is correct first):
clojure -T:build deploy :release true
- Add other missing functions
Copyright 2015-2023 Thura Hlaing
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.