USES A Laravel-Vue SPA starter project template.
- Laravel 5.6
- Vue + VueRouter + Vuex + VueI18n + ESlint
- Pages with dynamic import and custom layouts
- Login, register and password reset
- Authentication with JWT
- Socialite integration
- Bootstrap 4 + Font Awesome 5
- Edit
and set your database connection details php artisan key:generate
andphp artisan jwt:secret
php artisan migrate
php artisan db:seed
yarn install
# build and watch
npm run watch
# start the server in another cli window
php artisan serve
- Added seeder and migrations for users and survey table. Password Reset, use any email with 123456 to login.
- Makes Use of laravel datatables, VueJS, Bootstrap4 and other vue packages.
- Added survey listing with option to add multiple user to each survey.
Since I was more focused on fininshing the functionality. Given more time the quality of the system could have been much better. Following are the list of items I would like to improve
- Validations and sanity checks.
- Vuex was not utilized.
- Delete functionality is hackish.
- Overall design could have been improved.
- Pagination on datatables.
Just in case code setup doesn't work. Video