This product will let you categorize created content using a category identified by an icon.
A dexterity behavior can be enabled and will add a field "content category" that will list available categories defined in a configuration.
So you first have to define the categories by adding a ContentCategoryConfiguration somewhere. Then add a CategoryGroup on which some extra features may be activated :
- is content confidential?
- is content an element to print?
- is content an element to sign?
If activated, these fields will be available on the content using the behavior.
Then into a CategoryGroup, you will be able to add ContentCategory that are characterized by a title and an icon. These ContentCategory elements will be the terms of a vocabulary used to select a category on a content using the behavior.
This package is widely overridable and is made to manage many usecases of iconified categories.
A element that contains categorized content will display a special widget where categorized content are grouped by ContentCategory behind an icon.
A table view is also available listing categorized contents with more details.
Screenshots to come...
Install collective.iconifiedcategory by adding it to your buildout:
[buildout] ... eggs = collective.iconifiedcategory
and then running bin/buildout
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The project is licensed under the GPLv2.