Library to work with RSTN 1 second data. Working for data after 2000. The library provides the possibility of downloading the file for a given day from any of RSTN stations, and it is also able to generate a dataframe with the data.
pip install rstnpy
- pandas >= 0.21
- requests >= 2.20
- numpy >= 1.13
- matplotlib >= 2.2.2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from rstnpy import RSTN
year = 2014
month = 10
day = 16
path_to_files = "data/"
station = "San vito"
rstn = RSTN(year, month, day, path_to_files, station)
# Search and download the file.
filename = rstn.downloader.download_file()
# Decompress the gzipped file into a text file.
filename = rstn.decompress_file(filename)
# Generate a dataframe from the data.
df = rstn.create_dataframe()
# Plot the data.
ax = rstn.plot()
There is a bug when we download the file. The bug itself does not affect the functionality as it is an ignored exception. It is a apparently a tempfile bug.
Traceback example running with python 3.6.
Exception ignored in: <bound method _TemporaryFileCloser.__del__ of <tempfile._TemporaryFileCloser object at 0x7f2ba52df320>>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python3.6/", line 591, in __del__
File "/usr/lib/python3.6/", line 584, in close
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'close'
The library works with Python 3.5+