Revamp of cli tooling for aeolus conductor. Thor scaffolding is in place, along with ActiveResource-backed interaction with Conductor's REST api to list or add providers.
Authentication options for the Conductor api can specified in ~/.aeolus-cli as per the old aeolus client. Or, /etc/aeolus-cli is checked if ~/.aeolus-cli does not exist. Finally, these options may instead be supplied on the command line with --conductor-url, --username, and --password.
$ aeolus
aeolus help [TASK] # Describe available tasks or one specific task
aeolus provider # show provider subcommands
aeolus provider_account # show provider account subcommands
$ aeolus provider
aeolus provider add PROVIDER_NAME -t, --provider-type=PROVIDER_TYPE # Add a provider
aeolus provider help [COMMAND] # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
aeolus provider list # List all providers
$ aeolus provider help add
aeolus provider add PROVIDER_NAME -t, --provider-type=PROVIDER_TYPE
-t, --provider-type=PROVIDER_TYPE # E.g. ec2, vsphere, mock, rhevm...
Add a provider
$ aeolus provider_account
aeolus provider_account add PROVIDER_ACCOUNT_LABEL --credentials-file=CREDENTIALS_FILE -n, --provider-name=PROVIDER_NAME # Add a provider...
aeolus provider_account help [COMMAND] # Describe subco...
aeolus provider_account list # list provider ...
$ aeolus provider_account help add
aeolus provider_account add PROVIDER_ACCOUNT_LABEL --credentials-file=CREDENTIALS_FILE -n, --provider-name=PROVIDER_NAME
-n, --provider-name=PROVIDER_NAME # (already existing) provider name
--credentials-file=CREDENTIALS_FILE # path to credentials xml file
-q, [--quota=QUOTA] # maximum running instances
# Default: unlimited
Add a provider account
$ aeolus provider list
I, [2012-10-31T14:18:49.411815 #10688] INFO -- : GET http://localhost:3002/api/providers.xml
I, [2012-10-31T14:18:49.411966 #10688] INFO -- : --> 200 OK 5591 (530.6ms)
Name Provider Type Deltacloud Provider Deltacloud url
ec2-us-east-1 ec2 us-east-1
mock mock
mock-test1 mock
mock-test9 mock
$ aeolus provider add mock-test21 --deltacloud-url --provider-type mock
I, [2012-10-31T14:20:18.522110 #10826] INFO -- : GET http://localhost:3002/api/provider_types.xml
I, [2012-10-31T14:20:18.522251 #10826] INFO -- : --> 200 OK 1060 (432.9ms)
I, [2012-10-31T14:20:19.314974 #10826] INFO -- : POST http://localhost:3002/api/providers.xml
I, [2012-10-31T14:20:19.315100 #10826] INFO -- : --> 201 Created 254 (707.5ms)
Provider mock-test21 added with id 23
$ aeolus provider add mock-test21 --deltacloud-url --provider-type mock
I, [2012-10-31T14:20:24.297438 #10873] INFO -- : GET http://localhost:3002/api/provider_types.xml
I, [2012-10-31T14:20:24.297604 #10873] INFO -- : --> 200 OK 1060 (594.1ms)
I, [2012-10-31T14:20:24.919177 #10873] INFO -- : POST http://localhost:3002/api/providers.xml
I, [2012-10-31T14:20:24.919330 #10873] INFO -- : --> 422 100 (535.8ms)
ERROR: Conductor was unable to save the provider
["Provider name has already been taken"]
$ aeolus provider_account list
I, [2012-12-11T10:26:20.775263 #1864] INFO -- : GET https://localhost:443/conductor/api/provider_accounts.xml
I, [2012-12-11T10:26:20.775443 #1864] INFO -- : --> 200 OK 285 (104.1ms)
I, [2012-12-11T10:26:20.932803 #1864] INFO -- : GET https://localhost:443/conductor/api/provider_accounts/2.xml
I, [2012-12-11T10:26:20.932911 #1864] INFO -- : --> 200 OK 418 (106.7ms)
Name Provider Username Quota
mock mock mockuser unlimited
$ cat /tmp/credentials.xml
$ aeolus provider_account add mock --provider-name mock --credentials-file /tmp/credentials.xml
I, [2012-12-11T09:42:24.823114 #31824] INFO -- : GET https://localhost:443/conductor/api/providers.xml
I, [2012-12-11T09:42:24.823226 #31824] INFO -- : --> 200 OK 245 (110.0ms)
I, [2012-12-11T09:42:26.032696 #31824] INFO -- : POST https://localhost:443/conductor/api/provider_accounts.xml
I, [2012-12-11T09:42:26.032939 #31824] INFO -- : --> 201 Created 418 (1197.6ms)
Provider account mock added with id 2
$ aeolus provider_account add mock --provider-name mock --credentials-file /tmp/credentials.xml
I, [2012-12-11T10:31:56.555708 #2238] INFO -- : GET https://localhost:443/conductor/api/providers.xml
I, [2012-12-11T10:31:56.555953 #2238] INFO -- : --> 200 OK 245 (113.2ms)
I, [2012-12-11T10:31:56.930892 #2238] INFO -- : POST https://localhost:443/conductor/api/provider_accounts.xml
I, [2012-12-11T10:31:56.931059 #2238] INFO -- : --> 422 Unprocessable Entity 152 (357.4ms)
ERROR: Conductor was unable to save the provider account
["Label has already been taken", "Username has already been taken"]