iOS 9.0+
Xcode 10.0+
pod V1.7.0+
license MIT
CocoaPods is the recommended way to add RPBannerView to your project.
1、Add a pod entry for RPBannerView to your project Podfile
pod 'RPBannerView'
pod 'RPBannerView', :git => 'https://github.com/dengfeng520/RPBannerView'
2、Install the pod by running
pod install
#import "RPBannerView.h"
[RPBannerView showWithMode:warningMode body:@"Something went wrong,please try again."];
If you need to add RPBannerView to the current View and display for 2 seconds:
[RPBannerView showWithMode:warningMode body:@"Something went wrong,please try again." isView:self.view isTime:2];
[RPBannerView showWithMode:perfectionMode body:@"Read data completion." isView:self.view];
[RPBannerView showWithMode:successMode body:@"Load all data successfully." isView:self.view];