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aureliocarnero committed Jan 29, 2025
1 parent f2badeb commit 9ba5d4e
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Showing 16 changed files with 1,168 additions and 5 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
DATA clustering catalogs

:Summary: For each target type, LSS catalogs for the data, ready to be used for clustering measurements, are provided.
:Naming Convention: ``{TARGET}_{PHOTSYS}_clustering.dat.fits``, where ``{TARGET}`` is the target: ``QSO``, ``ELG``, ``ELG_LOPnotqso``, ``LRG``, ``LRG+ELG_LOPnotqso``,
for dark or ``BGS_ANY``, ``BGS_BRIGHT``, ``BGS_BRIGHT-21.5`` for bright. ``{PHOTSYS}`` is the photometric region ``NGC`` or ``SGC`` or the combination of both if not explicitly shown.
:Regex: ``[a-zA-Z_+]+[A-Z_]{0,4}_clustering.dat.fits``
:File Type: FITS, 237 MB


====== ======= ======== ===================
Number EXTNAME Type Contents
====== ======= ======== ===================
HDU1_ LSS BINTABLE Catalog data
====== ======= ======== ===================

FITS Header Units


This HDU has no non-standard required keywords.

Empty HDU.



LSS catalogs for clustering measurements

Required Header Keywords

.. collapse:: Required Header Keywords Table

.. rst-class:: keywords

====== ============= ==== =======================
KEY Example Value Type Comment
====== ============= ==== =======================
NAXIS1 137 int width of table in bytes
NAXIS2 1821322 int number of rows in table
DESIDR dr1 str
====== ============= ==== =======================

Required Data Table Columns

.. rst-class:: columns

================ ======== ===== =====================================================================================================================
Name Type Units Description
================ ======== ===== =====================================================================================================================
TARGETID int64 Unique DESI target ID
Z float64 Redshift measured by Redrock
NTILE int64 Number of tiles target was available on
RA float64 deg Barycentric Right Ascension in ICRS
DEC float64 deg Barycentric declination in ICRS
PHOTSYS char[1] 'N' for the MzLS/BASS photometric system, 'S' for DECaLS
FRAC_TLOBS_TILES float64 Fraction of targets with the same TILES value that contribute to FRACZ_TILELOCID
WEIGHT_ZFAIL float64 Should be all 1 at this point for main survey
WEIGHT_SN float64 Imaging systematics weights derived with the sysnet NN regression method
BITWEIGHTS int64[2] A size of two 64 bit masks that encodes which of the alternative assignment histories that the target was assigned in
PROB_OBS float64 The number alternative assignment histories that the target was assigned in divided by 128
WEIGHT_RF float64 Imaging systematics weights derived with the regressis random forest regression method
WEIGHT_SYS float64 Correction for fluctuations in projected density with imaging conditions, from random forrest method
WEIGHT float64 The combination of all weights to use
NX float64 Estimated mean number density given the redshift and number of overlapping tiles (NTILE)
WEIGHT_FKP float64 1/(1+NZ*P0), with P0 different for each tracer
================ ======== ===== =====================================================================================================================

Notes and Examples

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
DATA full catalogs

:Summary: LSS catalogs containing information on all targets identified as reachable by DESI fiberassign, with one entry for each. The files are split by target type and whether of not vetos for angular positions and healpix maps have been applied
:Naming Convention: ``{TARGET}_full{VETO}.dat.fits``, where ``{TARGET}`` is the target type: ``QSO``, ``ELG``, ``ELG_LOPnotqso``, ``LRG``, for dark or ``BGS_ANY``, ``BGS_BRIGHT`` for bright. ``{VETO}`` is _noveto if vetos have not been applied, blank if vetos have been applied and _HPmapcut if both vetos and healpix map cuts have been applied.
:Regex: ``[a-zA-Z_]+\_full[a-z_]{0,7,9}.dat.fits``
:File Type: FITS, 4 GB (size varies considerably depending on target type)


====== ======= ======== ===================
Number EXTNAME Type Contents
====== ======= ======== ===================
HDU1_ LSS BINTABLE Catalog data
====== ======= ======== ===================

FITS Header Units


This HDU has no non-standard required keywords.

Empty HDU.



Catalog data for the given target type; one entry per unique TARGETID

Required Header Keywords

.. collapse:: Required Header Keywords Table

.. rst-class:: keywords

====== ============= ==== =======================
KEY Example Value Type Comment
====== ============= ==== =======================
NAXIS1 846 int width of table in bytes
NAXIS2 5243196 int number of rows in table
DESIDR dr1 str
====== ============= ==== =======================

Required Data Table Columns

.. rst-class:: columns

========================== =========== ============ =======================================================================================================================================
Name Type Units Description
========================== =========== ============ =======================================================================================================================================
TARGETID int64 Unique DESI target ID
MWS_TARGET int64 Milky Way Survey targeting bits
SUBPRIORITY float64 Random subpriority [0-1) to break assignment ties
PRIORITY_INIT int64 Target initial priority from target selection bitmasks and OBSCONDITIONS
TARGET_STATE char[30] Combination of target class and its current observational state
TIMESTAMP char[25] s UTC/ISO time at which the target state was updated
LOCATION int64 Location on the focal plane PETAL_LOC*1000 + DEVICE_LOC
TILEID int64 Unique DESI tile ID
LASTNIGHT int32 Final night of observation included in a series of coadds
Z float64 Redshift measured by Redrock
ZERR float64 Redshift error from redrock
ZWARN int64 Redshift warning bitmask from Redrock
CHI2 float64 Best fit chi squared
COEFF float64[10] Redrock template coefficients
NPIXELS int64 Number of unmasked pixels contributing to the Redrock fit
SPECTYPE char[6] Spectral type of Redrock best fit template (e.g. GALAXY, QSO, STAR)
SUBTYPE char[20] Spectral subtype
NCOEFF int64 Number of Redrock template coefficients
DELTACHI2 float64 chi2 difference between first- and second-best redrock template fits
FIBER int32 Fiber ID on the CCDs [0-4999]
FIBERASSIGN_X float32 mm Fiberassign expected CS5 X location on focal plane
FIBERASSIGN_Y float32 mm Fiberassign expected CS5 Y location on focal plane
PRIORITY int32 Target current priority
COADD_NUMEXP int16 Number of exposures in coadd
COADD_EXPTIME float32 s Summed exposure time for coadd
COADD_NUMNIGHT int16 Number of nights in coadd
MEAN_DELTA_X float32 mm Mean (over exposures) fiber difference requested - actual CS5 X location on focal plane
RMS_DELTA_X float32 mm RMS (over exposures) of the fiber difference between measured and requested CS5 X location on focal plane
MEAN_DELTA_Y float32 mm Mean (over exposures) fiber difference requested - actual CS5 Y location on focal plane
RMS_DELTA_Y float32 mm RMS (over exposures) of the fiber difference between measured and requested CS5 Y location on focal plane
MEAN_PSF_TO_FIBER_SPECFLUX float32 Mean of input exposures fraction of light from point-like source captured by 1.5 arcsec diameter fiber given atmospheric seeing
TSNR2_ELG_B float32 ELG B template (S/N)^2
TSNR2_LYA_B float32 LYA B template (S/N)^2
TSNR2_BGS_B float32 BGS B template (S/N)^2
TSNR2_QSO_B float32 QSO B template (S/N)^2
TSNR2_LRG_B float32 LRG B template (S/N)^2
TSNR2_ELG_R float32 ELG R template (S/N)^2
TSNR2_LYA_R float32 LYA R template (S/N)^2
TSNR2_BGS_R float32 BGS R template (S/N)^2
TSNR2_QSO_R float32 QSO R template (S/N)^2
TSNR2_LRG_R float32 LRG R template (S/N)^2
TSNR2_ELG_Z float32 ELG Z template (S/N)^2
TSNR2_LYA_Z float32 LYA Z template (S/N)^2
TSNR2_BGS_Z float32 BGS Z template (S/N)^2
TSNR2_QSO_Z float32 QSO Z template (S/N)^2
TSNR2_LRG_Z float32 LRG Z template (S/N)^2
TSNR2_ELG float32 ELG template (S/N)^2 summed over B,R,Z
TSNR2_LYA float32 LYA template (S/N)^2 summed over B,R,Z
TSNR2_BGS float32 BGS template (S/N)^2 summed over B,R,Z
TSNR2_QSO float32 QSO template (S/N)^2 summed over B,R,Z
TSNR2_LRG float32 LRG template (S/N)^2 summed over B,R,Z
ZWARN_MTL int64 The ZWARN from the zmtl file (contains extra bits)
Z_QN float64 Redshift measured by QuasarNET using line with highest confidence
Z_QN_CONF float64 Redshift confidence from QuasarNET
IS_QSO_QN int16 Spectroscopic classification from QuasarNET (1 for a quasar)
PRIORITY_ASSIGNED int32 (only for data) PRIORITY of the target that was assigned to the given FIBER and TILEID (redundant with PRIORITY in the random catalogs)
GOODPRI logical True/False whether the priority of what was assigned to the location was <= the base priority of the given target class
GOODHARDLOC logical True/False whether the fiber had good hardware
LOCATION_ASSIGNED logical True/False for assigned/unassigned for the target in question
TILELOCID_ASSIGNED logical 0/1 for unassigned/assigned for TILELOCID in question (it could have been assigned to a different target)
NTILE int64 Number of tiles target was available on
TILES char[36] TILEIDs of those tile, in string form separated by '-'
TILELOCIDS char[111] TILELOCIDs that the target was available for, separated by '-'
BRICKID int32 Brick ID from tractor input
BRICKNAME char[8] Brick name from tractor input
MORPHTYPE char[4] Imaging Surveys morphological type from Tractor
RA float64 deg Barycentric Right Ascension in ICRS
DEC float64 deg Barycentric declination in ICRS
DCHISQ float32[5] Difference in chi-squared between Tractor model fits
EBV float32 mag Galactic extinction E(B-V) reddening from SFD98
FLUX_G float32 nanomaggy Flux in the Legacy Survey g-band (AB)
FLUX_R float32 nanomaggy Flux in the Legacy Survey r-band (AB)
FLUX_Z float32 nanomaggy Flux in the Legacy Survey z-band (AB)
FLUX_IVAR_G float32 nanomaggy^-2 Inverse variance of FLUX_G (AB)
FLUX_IVAR_R float32 nanomaggy^-2 Inverse variance of FLUX_R (AB)
FLUX_IVAR_Z float32 nanomaggy^-2 Inverse variance of FLUX_Z (AB)
MW_TRANSMISSION_G float32 Milky Way dust transmission in LS g-band
MW_TRANSMISSION_R float32 Milky Way dust transmission in LS r-band
MW_TRANSMISSION_Z float32 Milky Way dust transmission in LS z-band
NOBS_G int16 Number of images for central pixel in g-band
NOBS_R int16 Number of images for central pixel in r-band
NOBS_Z int16 Number of images for central pixel in z-band
PSFDEPTH_G float32 nanomaggy^-2 PSF-based depth in g-band
PSFDEPTH_R float32 nanomaggy^-2 PSF-based depth in r-band
PSFDEPTH_Z float32 nanomaggy^-2 PSF-based depth in z-band
GALDEPTH_G float32 nanomaggy^-2 Galaxy model-based depth in LS g-band
GALDEPTH_R float32 nanomaggy^-2 Galaxy model-based depth in LS r-band
GALDEPTH_Z float32 nanomaggy^-2 Galaxy model-based depth in LS z-band
FLUX_W1 float32 nanomaggy WISE flux in W1 (AB)
FLUX_W2 float32 nanomaggy WISE flux in W2 (AB)
FLUX_IVAR_W1 float32 nanomaggy^-2 Inverse variance of FLUX_W1 (AB)
FLUX_IVAR_W2 float32 nanomaggy^-2 Inverse variance of FLUX_W2 (AB)
MW_TRANSMISSION_W1 float32 Milky Way dust transmission in WISE W1
MW_TRANSMISSION_W2 float32 Milky Way dust transmission in WISE W2
FIBERFLUX_G float32 nanomaggy Predicted g-band flux within a fiber of diameter 1.5 arcsec from this object in 1 arcsec Gaussian seeing
FIBERFLUX_R float32 nanomaggy Predicted r-band flux within a fiber of diameter 1.5 arcsec from this object in 1 arcsec Gaussian seeing
FIBERFLUX_Z float32 nanomaggy Predicted z-band flux within a fiber of diameter 1.5 arcsec from this object in 1 arcsec Gaussian seeing
FIBERTOTFLUX_G float32 nanomaggy Predicted g-band flux within a fiber of diameter 1.5 arcsec from all sources at this location in 1 arcsec Gaussian seeing
FIBERTOTFLUX_R float32 nanomaggy Predicted r-band flux within a fiber of diameter 1.5 arcsec from all sources at this location in 1 arcsec Gaussian seeing
FIBERTOTFLUX_Z float32 nanomaggy Predicted z-band flux within a fiber of diameter 1.5 arcsec from all sources at this location in 1 arcsec Gaussian seeing
WISEMASK_W1 binary Bitwise mask for WISE W1 data
WISEMASK_W2 binary Bitwise mask for WISE W2 data
MASKBITS int16 Bitwise mask from the imaging indicating potential issue or blending
SHAPE_R float32 arcsec Half-light radius of galaxy model (>0)
PHOTSYS char[1] 'N' for the MzLS/BASS photometric system, 'S' for DECaLS
DESI_TARGET int64 DESI (dark time program) target selection bitmask
BGS_TARGET int64 BGS (Bright Galaxy Survey) target selection bitmask
COMP_TILE float64 Assignment completeness for all targets of this type with the same value for TILES
FRACZ_TILELOCID float64 The fraction of targets of this type at this TILELOCID that received an observation (after forcing each target to a unique TILELOCID)
lrg_mask [1]_ binary Imaging mask bits relevant to LRG targets
WEIGHT_ZFAIL float64 Should be all 1 at this point for main survey
mod_success_rate float64 Expected spectroscopic success rate given the target and observation properties
========================== =========== ============ =======================================================================================================================================

Notes and Examples

*Add notes and examples here. You can also create links to example files.*
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@

:Summary: For a given target type, the fraction of targets with the same TILES value that contribute to FRACZ_TILELOCID, as a function of TILES
:Naming Convention: ``{TARGET}_frac_tlobs.fits``, where ``{TARGET}`` is the target type, QSO, ELG, LRG for dark and BGS for bright
:Regex: ``[a-z]_frac_tlobs.fits``
:File Type: FITS, 3 MB


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Number EXTNAME Type Contents
====== ======= ======== ===================
====== ======= ======== ===================

FITS Header Units


This HDU has no non-standard required keywords.

Empty HDU.




Required Header Keywords

.. collapse:: Required Header Keywords Table

.. rst-class:: keywords

====== ============= ==== =======================
KEY Example Value Type Comment
====== ============= ==== =======================
NAXIS1 44 int width of table in bytes
NAXIS2 78492 int number of rows in table
DESIDR dr1 str
====== ============= ==== =======================

Required Data Table Columns

.. rst-class:: columns

================ ======== ===== ================================================================================
Name Type Units Description
================ ======== ===== ================================================================================
TILES char[36] TILEIDs of those tile, in string form separated by '-'
FRAC_TLOBS_TILES float64 Fraction of targets with the same TILES value that contribute to FRACZ_TILELOCID
================ ======== ===== ================================================================================

Notes and Examples


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