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Wallpapers that are nice and dark to compliment a future dark style preference
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Small, self-contained issue. Good for newcomers, and/or should be an easy fix.
Contains visible graininess that might be distracting
Used in the month of October for good issues for new contributors
Another wallpaper with mountains… we can only have so many!
Waiting for copy/language from the UX team
Waiting for input from the UX team
Makes the panel go opaque (too busy at the top)
Updates the deb-packaging branch
e.g. security implications or reproducible crashing
To be addressed after any critical issues
On the radar, but not the most urgent thing
Should be addressed when time allows
Not a priority, but something that might be nice
Prepping a stable release
Something else needs to be done before this can be fixed
Verified by someone other than the reporter
Not going to be addressed due to conflicts with the HIG or other design considerations
Already reported elsewhere
Needs more information before we can take action
Not an issue or quality PR
Not solvable within the scope of this code base
Makes the panel go transparent with dark-colored text and icons
Makes the panel go transparent with light-colored text and icons