I'm Kevin, a Libre Software Craftsman. I've been contributing to Free Software for years, my community of heart is KDE. I've been also playing around with various projects over the years inside and outside KDE. Check out my blog to find out more.
- canonical/snapd (2.67, 3 weeks ago) - The snapd and snap tools enable systems to work with .snap files.
- nextcloud/desktop (v3.15.3, 1 month ago) - π» Desktop sync client for Nextcloud
- canonical/snapd - The snapd and snap tools enable systems to work with .snap files. (2 months ago)
- KDE/plasma-workspace - Various components needed to run a Plasma-based environment (5 months ago)
- KDE/kitinerary - Data Model and Extraction System for Travel Reservation information (6 months ago)
- KDE/xwaylandvideobridge - Utility to allow streaming Wayland windows to X applications (7 months ago)
- KDE/kdepim-runtime - Akonadi agents and resources (7 months ago)
- Web Review, Week 2025-06 (today)
- Web Review, Week 2025-05 (1 week ago)
- Web Review, Week 2025-04 (2 weeks ago)
- Web Review, Week 2025-03 (3 weeks ago)
- Web Review, Week 2025-02 (4 weeks ago)
- Fediverse: https://mamot.fr/@ervin
- Blog: https://ervin.ipsquad.net
- IRC: ervin on freenode
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