Lazy sequences in Common Lisp
These package implements the notion of a lazy sequence as found in the Clojure programming language.
Note that everything has been implemented from scratch, without any claim of compatibility.
The package is implemented as an ASDF system named lazyseq
It is available on ultralisp :
* (ql:quickload "lazyseq")
The main package is :lazyseq
For example:
* (in-package :lazyseq)
* (defun nats (n)
(lazy-seq (cons n (nats (1+ n)))))
* (head (tail (tail (nats 1))))
* (take 5 (nats 1))
(1 2 3 4 5)
More examples are available in the files:
- lisp-lazy-seq.lisp (commented lisp)
- lisp-lazy-seq.pdf (pdf)
- lisp-lazy-seq.ipynb (cl-jupyter notebook)
Copyright (C) 2016- Frederic Peschanski under the MIT License