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my public neovim config so everyone can watch a prose writer stumble along with a broken config until it's juuuuuuuuust right. rinse, repeat ad nauseam


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Does anyone really read this?

well, this is my public NeoVim repository. I don't know what else to put here, but it's here. I'm just a script kiddie prose writer and for some dumb reason I keep trying to write my novel in a terminal modal editor. I've bounced around from vim, NeoVim, emacs (less than a day), kakoune, helix, Doom emacs. GUI editors like notion, obsidian, day one, TextWrangler, Scrivner, Final Draft, and back to NeoVim a few times inbetween.

I've even bounced around filetypes, LaTeX, markdown, fountain, org, neorg (I really wanted to make it work with norg), org-roam.

Finally I've settled on NeoVim. I love it. now I'm going to dial in the plugins to make it work. After playing around with OVIwriter, lunarvim, spacevim, lazyVim, kickstarter, 🤔 there's a few more distros I've tried. But now I'm settled on what plugins i need to write, plus the ones I need to help me configure cobble together the writing environment I want… and then I'll have no more excuses to finish my novel.

at anyrate, I'm proud of what I've managed to cobble together. Particularly my keymaps, now to get my damn snippets to work.


my public neovim config so everyone can watch a prose writer stumble along with a broken config until it's juuuuuuuuust right. rinse, repeat ad nauseam





