63 commits
to 2022.02.xx
since this release
Main Features
- Many updates aimed to enrich the 3D support of MapStore, such as:
- Support of multiple Terrains in 3D mode (Cesium map)
- Support of WFS layers and imported vector layers in 3D mode
- Support for 3D styling capabilities for vector and WFS layers and 3D styling enhancements for labels
- Depth test option for vector and WFS styling in 3D mode
- Improved 3D mode performances using explicit rendering with Cesium
- Included the Cesium viewer settings to control the Cesium map options from UI
- Support for WFS Identify also in Cesium map
- Inclusion of a Side toolbar to make the use of MapStore tools more flexible
- Many updates involving the printing tool, such as:
- Update of the print-lib library to the latest official v2.1.5
- Support to select the desired projection for printed maps
- Support for other export formats other than PDF
- Improved the layer validations for printing
- Graticule layers improvements
- Map Switcher for Map widgets: the ability to have more map widgets in one
- Import/export of Dashboards and Geostories is now supported
- Integration with OpenID and Keycloak
Main Improvements
- Further performance improvements from v2022.01.00 involving optimizations of the main MapStore bundle and the inclusion of modular plugins to make the loading time faster
- Support aimed to allow WMS GetMap requests through the MapStore proxy
- Further updates for the About plugin including: version, related revision and its date
- Further updates for the MapStore query params handling through POST requests: multiple embedded maps via POST on the same page are now supported
- Attribute Table enhancement to show URLs as hyperlinks