An integrated visualization system for parallel execution data, including OTF2 traces annd HPX execution trees
If you plan to bundle otf2 traces,
otf2 needs to be installed and its
binaries need to be in your PATH
Download the latest otf2 tarball from here. Unzip it, go inside the directory and run the following
make install
export PATH="$(dirname "$(which otf2-print)"):$PATH"
It's recommended to update the $PATH variable through ~/.bashrc
file to make the change persistent across terminal sessions.
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
If the requirements' installation get stuck in installing intervaltree
, modify the last line of requirements.txt
file as follows
- git+
+ git+git://
It's recommended to do a restart after installing the python dependencies to make the requirements' installation persistent.
You will most likely need to build a C dependency for your specific architecture:
cd profiling_tools/clibs
mv _cCalcBin.*.so ../
rm _cCalcBin.* calcBin.o
Running traveler-integrated usually comes in two phases: bundling, and serving
Usually, you will need to run
to load data into traveler-integrated
from the command line. It's also possible to upload data in the interface
(except for OTF2 traces), and data can also be uploaded to a running
instance from JetLag.
Note that each of these examples, the data will be bundled into
; if something goes wrong,
behave reasonably idempotently, but if you just want to start with a fresh slate
anyway, try rm -rf /tmp/traveler-integrated
A simple example bundling the full phylanx output and an OTF2 trace:
./ \
--input data/als-30Jan2019/test_run/output.txt \
--otf2 data/als-30Jan2019/test_run/OTF2_archive/APEX.otf2 \
--label "2019-01-30 ALS Test Run"
Bunding just an OTF2 trace, as well as a source code file:
./ \
--otf2 data/fibonacci-04Apr2018/OTF2_archive/APEX.otf2 \
--python data/fibonacci-04Apr2018/ \
--label "2019-04-04 Fibonacci"
Loading many files at once (using a regular expression to match globbed paths):
./ \
--tree data/als_regression/*.txt \
--performance data/als_regression/*.csv \
--physl data/als_regression/als.physl \
--cpp data/als_regression/als_csv_instrumented.cpp \
--label "data/als_regression/(\d*-\d*-\d*).*"
Bringing it all together:
./ \
--otf2 data/11July2019/factorial*/OTF2_archive/APEX.otf2 \
--input data/11July2019/factorial*/output.txt \
--physl data/factorial.physl \
--label "data\/(11July2019\/factorial[^/]*).*"
To run the interface, type
JetLag can run jobs on remote clusters and pipe the results back to a running
instance. This setup assumes that you have a TACC login.
# with running in a different terminal...
git clone
cd JetLag
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip3 install requests termcolor
If you are using your TACC login, you'll need to edit
to use
instead of backend_agave
The first time you run this, it will ask you for your TACC login and store the
username and password under ~/.TAPIS_USER
Note that if you forget to start
, the results of the job will still
be stored in a jobdata-###...
directory, that you can use as input to
From the JetLag directory:
cd docker
docker-compose up # on Windows, even in WSL, it's actually docker-compose.exe up
Open Demo.ipynb inside Jupyter, and it should be relatively self-guided.
Note that the docker-compose route git clone
s the traveler repo, so this is
probably a good way to get data easily, but not the best for adding new features
/ debugging traveler itself.
Anything inside the static
directory will be served; see its
for info on developing the web interface.
On the server side, one of the big priorities at the moment is that we're using a hacked version of intervaltree as a poor man's index into the data (that allows for fast histogram computations). There are probably a few opportunities for scalability:
- These are all built in memory and pickled to a file, meaning that this is the
current bottleneck for loading large trace files. It would be really cool if
we could make a version of this library that spools to disk when it gets too
big, kind of like python's native
library. - We really only need to build these things once, and do read-only queries—we should be able to build the indexes more efficiently if we know we'll never have to update them, and there's likely some functionality in the original library that we could get away with cutting
WSL setups will probably need to add something like "bip": ""
to Docker Desktop -> Settings -> Docker Engine for this to work
You will need to open two terminal windows:
- TERMINAL A: Run JetLag:
# Tell JetLag to send data to our host IP address
export TRAVELER_IP=`hostname -I | xargs`
# Here we build the latest version of JetLag locally...
git clone
cd JetLag/docker
docker build . -t jetlag:test
docker run --rm -it -e TRAVELER_IP -p 8789:8789 --name jetlag_container jetlag:test
# Note that we DON'T expose the -p 8000:8000 port; otherwise this would conflict with your host traveler instance
- TERMINAL B: Start our local version of traveler:
cd traveler-integrated
At this point, open up the jupyter notebook (url in TERMINAL A); job.viz()
commands will now pipe data to the version of traveler-integrated
running in TERMINAL B.
To test that we can access the host instance of traveler from inside the docker container, in a third terminal:
docker exec -it jetlag_container bash
# Should be the host's IP address
# Kill the traveler instance inside the container so we don't accidentally
# ping it
ps -A
kill PID # where PID corresponds to the python3 process
# Now ping traveler on the host
curl -I "$TRAVELER_IP:8000"
should look something like:
date: Wed, 03 Feb 2021 23:22:51 GMT
server: uvicorn
content-length: 31
content-type: application/json
Be careful with this; changes that you make inside the docker container will also affect your host repo.
- From
cp ../../traveler-integrated/docker-compose.jetlag.yml ./docker-compose.override.yml
docker-compose up
Now JetLag will replace its cloned version of the main
branch of
with your local repository before starting everything up.
I haven't tested this thoroughly. Likely hiccups:
This seems to be enough to tweak client-side stuff in
, but you'll need to kill and restart the server inside the container if you make server-side changes. -
On non-Linux systems, you'll probably need to rebuild the C dependencies inside the docker container
S. A. Sakin, A. Bigelow, R. Tohid, C. Scully-Allison, C. Scheidegger, S. R. Brandt, C. Taylor, K. A. Huck, H. Kaiser, and K. E. Isaacs. Traveler: Navigating Task Parallel Traces for Performance Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Proceedings of IEEE VIS 2022. 29(1):788-797, 2023.
K. Williams, A. Bigelow, and K. Isaacs. Visualizing a Moving Target: A Design Study on Task Parallel Programs in the Presence of Evolving Data and Concerns. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Proceedings of InfoVis '19. 26(1):1118-1128, 2020.
S. R. Brandt, A. Bigelow, S. A. Sakin, K. Willliams, K. E. Isaacs, K. Huck, R. Tohid, B. Wagle, S. Shirzad, and H. Kaiser. JetLag: An Interactive, Asynchronous Array Computing Environment. In PEARC '20: Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing. July 2020.
S. R. Brandt, B. Hasheminezhad, N. Wu, S. A. Sakin, A. R. Bigelow, K. E. Isaacs, K. Huck, H. Kaiser. Distributed Asynchronous Array Computing with the Jetlag Environment. Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Python for High-Perforrmance and Scientific Computing (PyHPC). November 2020.
This work has been supported by the United States Department of Defense through DTIC Contract FA8075-14-D-0002-0007, the National Science Foundation under NSF III-1656958, and the Department of Energy under DE-SC0022044.