-Implemented a period detection algorithm based on derivative for Mandelbrot 2-5 powers
-Added new functions Magnet Pataki 2-5 and N powers
-Implemented perturbation theory for Magnet Pataki 2-5 powers
-Added MPIR as a BigNum library for some intel cpu variants (It is assembly optimized and supports AVX2 instructions). This will decrease the reference calculation time.
-Implemented Zhuoran's BLA method.
-Refactored Magnet 1 and Newton Parameter Space perturbation implementation (disclaimer Newton Parameter Space has glitches on some locations. A multiple ref implementation will be investigated in the future)
-Implemented Anti-Aliasing for all post processing algorithms.
-Added a new "zoom on mouse cursor" option (thanks claude)
-A subsequent render after quick draw will reuse the calculated points
-Added a color spaces for Anti-Aliasing (thanks claude)
-Added an option for some Statistical Coloring algorithms to take into account only the last X samples (thanks claude)
-Added an option for Orbit Traps to take into account only the last X samples (thanks claude)
-Added an option to use jittered grid for Anti-Aliasing
-Added outlier detection option on Histogram Coloring and on 3d rendering.
-Added a new 3d render tool using Processing (
-Added a new custom direct palette editor
-Added a new drawing algorithm which renders the image on a circular pattern. (It is only visible if Show Drawing Progress is enabled)
-Added more color spaces
-Windows OS executables will export a l4jini for configurable JVM max heap
-Fixed a bug on Distance Estimation calculation, from Statistical Coloring methods, in deep locations.