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MSBuild helper for CMake project

Build status

This is the MSBuild SDK which does configure,build,and other task for CMake project.


How to use


Steps from scratch

  1. creating initial cmake project
  2. create msbuild project file like following next to CMakeLists.txt
<Project Sdk="MSBuild.Sdk.CMake/[version of this package]">
  1. execute dotnet build [project file]
    • if you want to get release build, dotnet build -c Release [project file]
    • if you do not want to add cmake to PATH, CMakeExe property can be used
      • property can be spcified by dotnet build -p:CMakeExe=/path/to/cmake

Then you will get built binary in /dir/to/project/builddir/[Configuration]/[Platform(default is 'any')]/[Configuration]

from template

if you want to create project from dotnet new, you can do it by installing templates for cmake project.

  1. do dotnet new -i MSBuild.Sdk.CMake.Template.Library to install library template
  2. do dotnet new -i MSBuild.Sdk.CMake.Template.Console to install console template
  3. do dotnet new cmlib --name [project name], then cmake library project will be created
  4. do dotnet new cmconsole --name [project name], then cmake console project will be created
  5. after project creation, you can build project by dotnet build

configure only

By default, build task execute Configure task before main build. If you want to configure project only, execute dotnet msbuild [path to project file] /t:Configure

clean project

if you want to clean up the built binary, execute dotnet clean [path to project file]. Note this target only delete CMake cache file(CMakeCache.txt) and some intermediate files. if you want to delete whole directory including all intermediated objects, execute dotnet msbuild /t:AllClean

executing custom target

if you want to custom cmake target(like install), execute dotnet msbuild [path to project file] /t:ExecuteTarget /p:CMakeTarget=[your custom target name]. Or you can add custom target by edit project file.

<Project Sdk="MSBuild.Sdk.CMake/0.1.0">
    <Target Name="Install">
        <MSBuild Projects="$(MSBuildThisFileFullPath)" 

and then, execute dotnet msbuild /t:Install


Supported Items

Following item can be added to ItemGroup


Definitions passed when Configure task. you must set Value metadata.

for example;

    <CMakeDefine Include="A" Value="B"/>

then passed -D"A=B" to Configure task.

Supported Properties


Path to cmake executable file,default is cmake


Name of cmake generator(available items can be seen by cmake --help)


build platform, default using msbuild's $(Platform) value, or default if not set $(Platform)


build configuration, default using msbuild's $(Configuration) value


the value passed as CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX when configure task.

Supported Targets


do cmake configure task(cd $(CMakeBuildRootDirectory) && cmake $(CMakeRootDirectory))


do cmake's default build target. depends on Congiure task.


do cmake's clean target. This task will be skipped if Configure task is not executed.


delete $(CMakeBuildDirectory)/CMakeCache.txt.


do BuildClean and ConfigClean


do Clean and Build


delete $(CMakeBuildRootDirectory)


do custom cmake target.


do cmake install target