Custom React hook for Facebook JavaScript SDK
npm install use-facebook
Here is an example demostrating a button that triggers Facebook login dialog. Some of the code is truncated for brevity.
import React from 'react';
import useFacebook from 'use-facebook';
export default function MyFacebookLoginPage () {
* options is an object (also detailed below)
const options = { appId: '123456789' };
* Returns the state of SDK (true = loaded and ready to use)
const { isFacebookSDKReady } = useFacebook(options);
* Enable/disable the button based on SDK ready state
* Show FB login dialog on click once enabled
return (
<button disabled={!isFacebookSDKReady} onClick={() => FB.login()}>Connect with Facebook</button>
Read Facebook SDK docs for
API usage.
options = {
appId: 'abcxyz',
version: "v18.0",
autoLogAppEvents: true,
xfbml: true,
debug: false,
lang: "en_GB",
is required and everything else is optional.
MIT License
© 2020 - present Jabran Rafique (@jabranr)